We stan a frog god

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(My titles are good. Pls agree even though you don't)

The trio were spat out into a living room identical to theirs. They looked around, but nobody was in the room with them.

"Ok, we just gotta find the fragment, and then go-," America started, before being cut off by furious dog barks. The turned around and saw a little chihuahua.

"Huh, We don't have a chihuahua-," Mexico started, when suddenly the front door opened. Four people walked in. Two women, and two men. When they saw the NAT they began panicking.

"WHAT THE GOD D*MN F*CKING SH*T ARE YOU DOING IN OUR HOUSE YOU F*CKING SONS OF B*TCHES!" One of the men shouted in a high pitched, yet raspy voice.

"Calm yourselves, I'll deal with this," the other man said with a posh British accent. He walked up to the trio. "You three must've gotten lost between dimensions, do you need help getting back home?" The man asked. Nekomi looked up at her fellow god.

"Actually, we're trying to find a soul fragment. Our god friend got a bit too daring," Nekomi said.

"P-Pablo... what's happening?" One of the women asked. Canada perked up at his frogs name.

"Pablo?! But that can only mean...," Canada took a better look at the others. "OH MY GOODNESS ARE YOU OUR PETS?!" Canada exclaimed. The chihuahua started barking in response to Canada's yelling. Pablo picked up the dog.

"Calm down Mex, they're friendly," Pablo said. Mexico gasped.

"That dog... is me?!" Mexico exclaimed.

"Wait- you f*ck holes are our pets but human? Holy f*ckin sh*t dudes that's f*ckin tight as sh*t," the other man said.

"I assume you're Sailor," America said, motioning towards the man.

"F*ck yeah b*tch," Sailor exclaimed. America looked at the other two, and realized that one of the women was pregnant.

"Oh! So you're Everest!" America exclaimed. Everest looked a mixture of scared and confused, but nodded silently.

"Who am I!?" The other woman exclaimed with a squawky high pitched voice.

"Cluck-Cluck?" Mexico asked.

"YEAH! That's my name!!" Cluck-Cluck exclaimed. "Or wait- technically wouldn't it be two names? Is Cluck both my first name and last name?! Or is it all one word?!! Have I been spelling my name wrong my whole life?!?"

"Sorry about her, she gets a bit existential at times," Pablo said. "So, I'm assuming other dimension me was overwhelmed with power?" Pablo asked. Canada sighed and nodded.

"Yeah... I... I miss him...," Canada said, tearing up. Pablo put a hand on Canada's shoulder.

"He misses you too. I'm sure of it," Pablo said. Canada hugged his frogs human counterpart closely, which Pablo happily returned.

"Ok! We need to head out and find the soul fragment so we can get back our Pablo! Do you guys want to join?" Nekomi asked.

"Of course," Pablo said.

"F*CK YEAH!" Sailor exclaimed.

"Sure! Nothing better than a bit of frog locating! Well actually that's a lie, and the universe is infinite so the term "nothing better than" is a rather meaningless frase...," Cluck-Cluck said.

"I think I'll stay here... I'm really tired and Snowball will be here in a bit. You have fun with... whatever it is you're doing," Everest said, sitting down on the couch with chihuahua Mexico and a mongrel that the trio assumed was America. Pablo nodded.

"Ok, be careful, take care of yourself, and if that fluff ball hurts you, call me. I'll rip out his spine," Pablo said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Everest said, ignoring the fact that Pablo literally just threatened her boyfriend with murder.

"Alright, are we all ready to go?" Nekomi asked.

"Wait!" Pablo exclaimed, rushing up the stairs to his room. He came back with a little bunny rabbit in his hands. "Canada wants to come too," Pablo said. Canada looked down at his little bunny self.

"IM SO ADORABLE WHAT THE HECK?" Canada exclaimed.

"I know!! I remember when I was still living near the creek. He snuck inside my house, and we've been best friends ever since," Pablo said, holding the bunny close to his heart.

The trio, their pets, and Canada the bunny went outside and began walking together through the town.

"Ok, it should be nearby, I think it's actually in the forest," Nekomi said. They made their way into the forest, which was dark and spooky like a forest should be.

"I f*ckin hope there aren't any of the f*cking murderers round here, that sh*t is scary as f*ck," Sailor said.

"Are these the f*ckin murderers? Or the f*ckin murderers?" Mexico asked.

"I would hope it's the latter," Pablo said.

"There are murderers in this forest?!" Canada exclaimed.

"Well... in our dimension this is the forest with the wolf pack in it, so in this one they're just straight up murderers?" America said.

"Yes. What really draws the line between feral animals and humans? Is it compassion? Empathy? Perhaps it is willpower? I NEED ANSWERS," Cluck-Cluck existentialised. Her shouting echoed throughout the forest. They stood silently, hoping they weren't caught. But I'm sure you all already know what happens now.

Suddenly, a group of angry alpha looking bois popped out of the woods and tried to snatch them.

"SH*T F*CK DINGUS DAMMIT YOU PIECES OF A**FACE!" Sailor shouted, trying to fight away the murderers. Pablo wanted to help, but he didn't want to overpower and split through dimensions...

"HELP!" He heard Canada scream. He turned around and saw Canada holding bunny Canada, surrounded by the murderers. Pablo felt the rage well up inside of him. A big burst of energy flew from his body, shaking the ground and pushing everyone around him backwards. They looked up at him in surprise.

"ṈṎᏰṎᕍẙ tṎᙈᏨᏲ⁅ຮ Ḿẙ ᏰᙈṈṈẙ!" Pablo screamed, floating in the air with glowing eyes. The murderers noped out of there, understanding that they probably shouldn't try to fight a god. When they left, Pablo collapsed on the ground out of exhaustion. Canada and the bunny rushed to Pablos side.

"We need to find the piece and bring Pablo home," Canada said, picking up his best friend and carrying him bridal style, while bunny Canada curled up in Pablos arms. Nekomi appeared out of a bush with the fragment in between her teeth. America took the piece from her.

"While you kept the murderers distracted I got the fragment! Am I a good cat?" Nekomi asked. America gave her a pat.

"Yep, remind me to get you some catnip when we get back home," America said.

"YES!!!" Nekomi exclaimed.

When they got back to the house, they were greeted by Everest and Snowball. They both started panicking when they saw Pablo in Canada's arms, slipping in and out of consciousness. Canada laid him down on the couch and they all surrounded him.

"Oh my gosh is he ok what happened who did this is he ok I already asked that oh my gosh!?" Snowball exclaimed, placing a hand on Pablo's shoulder.

"Don't touch me. You disgusting peasant," Pablo groaned sleepily. Snowball smiled.

"Oh, he's still there. We didn't lose him!" Snowball said happily. America sighed and held up the shard.

"Well... I guess we're good to go. You all ready?" America asked. Canada looked down at Pablo.

"Um, you three get the machine ready... I'll be there in a second," Canada said. He knelt down to Pablo's eye level and held his hand.

"It was nice to meet you Pablo... I can't wait to see you again... even if it's frog you," Canada said. Pablo smiled.

"It was nice to meet you too... don't forget how much we love you... you're our best friend," Pablo said, gently petting bunny Canada's head. Canada gave his frogs human form one last hug. And with that, they were gone.

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