Advanced grounding

397 12 62

(There is a lot of Markiplier Makes references in this one. Whoever finds them all... finds them all)

The trio were sitting on the couch moodily murmuring to one another. Greenland came back home from shopping and threw some grocery bags onto his depressed children.

"Have fun," Greenland said. When the trio opened the bags and found three gingerbread house building kits.

"Well, it's better than sitting around like a**holes," America said. The trio shrugged and sat down at the dining table, getting out all the stuff from the kits and preparing their spaces. America organized his space so much it almost seemed as if he was avoiding building the gingerbread house. Canada somewhat organized, but was mostly focused on making a good gingerbread house. Mexico was just f*ckin goin for it.

"What theme are you guys going for?" Mexico asked.

"Pft, look at mr. Artist man over here. WhAt ThEmE? Pft, obviously you don't know how America does things," America said with joking arrogance.

"Do random sh*t and talk in the third person?" Canada asked.

"Yea...," America said. They continued building their houses.

"Is there like... a smart easy way to do this?" Mexico asked, struggling to keep his house pieces together.

"Doing things the easy way is for p*ssies. I am a penis," America said. The trio continued decorating their houses. America's looked pretty decent, and he was painting an American flag on the roof of his with icing. Canada was putting effort in and making his look pretty. Mexico was having a crisis.

"Oh no my sack broke," Mexico exclaimed, holding his bag of icing that was leaking out the side.

"Well you shouldn't have squeezed so hard," America said.

"Oh no It's too much!" Mexico exclaimed.

"I don't like how that sounds out of context," Canada said.

"It's too much! It's getting everywhere! Oh it's so much! Ohhhh!" Mexico exclaimed. Canada threw a bag of gummy bears at him.

"STOP!" Canada exclaimed. Mexico and America laughed. They continued decorating their houses. Mexico's house was covered in frosting and candy, and was on the cusps of falling apart.

"Do you ever just... give up?" Mexico said. America and Canada looked at his house and began to crack up.

"You're the artist of the house! How did yours turn into such unorganized chaos?" Canada asked.

"I don't- THERE WAS TOO MUCH!" Mexico exclaimed throwing his bag of frosting on the table.

"Youuuu guys suuuck~ I am the beeessst~ look at me I'm really great, my d*ck is really big~," America sang while decorating his house.

"Ame why," Mexico said. They continued decorating. Mexico took his house into the kitchen and tried scraping of some of the frosting with a knife. America looked at Canada's house.

"That's really good. But how are they gonna get out?" America asked.

"What do you mean? They go out through the door," Canada said.

"Yeah, but there is only one door. The windows are all blocked by candy. What if there was a fire and the door was blocked?" America asked.

"Then they die, that's just life," Canada said.

"Jesus Christ, ok jigsaw," America said.

"See, you two don't know what your doing," Mexico said from the kitchen.

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