Absolutly NOTHING goes wrong (I swear guys please believe me)

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(I've been trying to learn how to draw characters in a chibi style, I hope this looks good!)

(I've been trying to learn how to draw characters in a chibi style, I hope this looks good!)

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Antarctica was driving the quartet back home from the hospital. America had broken his left arm, so he was wearing a cast. Mexico and Canada were drawing on it.

"Don't draw any phallic objects please," America said.

"I drew a leaf!" Canada exclaimed.

"I drew a taco!" Mexico exclaimed. Snowball sniffed the cast. America petted Snowball.

"I'm sorry for kidnapping your dog Antarctica. We just really love him and we are also stupid," America said.

"It's ok Ame, just don't do anything reckless like that again. You could get yourself killed!" Antarctica exclaimed. Greenland sighed.

"Oh trust me, I wish it were that simple with the three of them... they're never not in some kind of trouble," Greenland said. The trio laughed, but genuinely felt bad for Greenland.

When they got home they said their goodbyes to Snowball and Antarctica.

"Please visit us all the time always," America said, hugging snowball with Mexico. Antarctica smiled.

"I'll visit as often as I can with Snowball. After all, I wouldn't want to be an absentee father," Antarctica joked. The trio hugged him goodbye.

Once Antarctica left, the quartet went inside and chilled out on the couch.

"America, Mexico, you two are on house arrest," Greenland said.

"That's just a fancy way of saying that you're grounding us," America said. Greenland stood up.

"Yep, I'm going to take a nap in the living room. That way I'll know if anything happens," Greenland said. Greenland walked into the living room and fell asleep. America sighed.

"Nada, Mex, I want you guys to help me make pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread," America said. They nodded and started to get to work.

Greenland woke up an hour later to the fire alarm. He sprung up and ran into the kitchen.

"Where's the fire?!" Greenland exclaimed. America held up burnt pumpkin bread.

"Don't worry dude, we just accidentally burnt the bread. Mex is opening the windows right now. Luckily the pie turned out fine," America said. Greenland sighed.

"Ok... good...," Greenland said. The quartet each got a slice of pumpkin pie and sat down at the dining table.

"This is really good," Greenland said, taking another bite of pie. America smiled.

"Thanks! After a hundred years I think I perfected the recipe," America said.

"Jeez, that's almost half of your life," Canada said. Greenland was astounded that the trio didn't actually set the house on fire, but he tried his best to let it go. When they finished eating, Greenland stood up.

"Ok, I'm gonna take a shower... remember, NO bullsh*t," Greenland said. The trio nodded and Greenland went to take his shower. Everything was suspiciously calm, but he had no doubt that it wouldn't last.

When he got out of the shower and got dressed, he saw Canada and Mexico sitting in the hallway talking to Pablo.

"Where is Ame?" Greenland asked. Mexico shrugged.

"I dunno," Mexico said. Greenland crossed his arms.

"Canada, where on earth is your brother?" Greenland exclaimed. Canada raised his hands defensively.

"We don't know! He had to go out somewhere! He said it was really important! He won't answer his phone either!" Canada exclaimed. Greenland groaned.

"Ok, get in the car," Greenland said. Since Greenland's car was demolished in the crash, they took Mexico's car instead.

"He is in so much trouble...," Greenland mumbled to himself. Greenland called Antarctica.

An: hey! Is everything alright?

Gr: we lost Ame. Again.

An: that was fast

Gr: I hate my life

An: calm down, I'll be on a lookout for him. Don't worry too much, ok?

Gr: ok...

Greenland put his phone down and sighed.

"Ok! We got a tracker on his phone! He's at the mall!" Canada exclaimed.

"What the heck is he doing at the mall?" Greenland exclaimed. Mexico gasped dramatically.

"Secret boyfriend?!" Mexico exclaimed, kinda scared of that being the case. Canada shook his head.

"Nah... I don't know anyone in town who is interested in him," Canada said. Mexico laughed, relieved, but also knowing of at least one guy who was interested in America.....

"Don't talk about your brother that way Canada," Greenland said. They drove to the mall and quickly walked around looking for America.

"Ok... the tracker says we're getting close...," Canada said. They turned a corner and saw America through the window of the jewelry store. Greenland stormed in, Mexico and Canada following closely behind.

"America, what are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay home!" Greenland exclaimed. America looked shocked.

"Shoot! You weren't supposed to follow me!" America exclaimed.

"Why are you here?" Greenland asked with a bit more authority. America sighed.

"Well, I wanted to surprise you, but..." America took the box he had just bought off of the counter and handed it to Greenland. Greenland looked at America suspiciously and opened the box. Inside was a white locket identical to the ones that the trio were wearing. All at once, Greenland's anger melted into joy.

"I love it...," Greenland said, a smile on his face. The trio wore matching smiles. Greenland put on the locket and they all went back home together.

Gr: false alarm, everything is ok

An: oh, thank goodness! I was so worried!

Gr: sorry...

An: Oh, don't worry, it's ok! Oh! By the way, what are you doing for Halloween?

Gr: hold on, let me check with the kids...

"Are you guys still inviting your friends over for a Halloween party?" Greenland asked.

"Yep! It'll be great!" America exclaimed.

Gr: the kids are throwing a party... can you and Snowball come over so I have someone to hang out with?

An: of course! I can't wait!

Gr: me neither, I'll see you soon

An: bye!

Greenland hung up and let out a happy sigh.

"Greenland! Mexico accidentally locked himself in the closet!" America exclaimed from the other room. Greenland laughed. Even with the burnt pumpkin bread, America running off, and Mexico getting stuck in the closet, Greenland considered this day to be a good one. He absentmindedly held closely onto the locket around his neck.

"Of course he did,"

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