At Least We Have Each Other

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America woke up before the others and decided to make breakfast. He got to work making eggs and bacon on the grill with a pan he brought from home (because he was never unprepared when it came to good food).

Mexico sleepily got out of the tent to be greeted with plates of food. Canada followed, Pablo sitting happily on his head.

"Good morning you three, now eat," America exclaimed. Canada looked down at his plate.

"Damn, did you leave any bacon for yourself?" Canada asked.

"B*tch I brought enough bacon to feed an angry fat man at a buffet in Vegas," America exclaimed.

"That's oddly specific," Mexico said, beginning to eat his breakfast.

"So, what are our plans today boys?" America asked.

"I heard there is a hiking trail not to far from here that leads to a waterfall. We should check that out!" Canada exclaimed.

"Alright, sounds like a plan," America said.

After breakfast, the trio walked over to the hiking trail and began to head to the waterfall.

"Hey, wouldn't it be sucky if-," America started.

"No! Don't finish that sentence!" Canada exclaimed.

"What? Why?" America asked.

"We need to kick that habit of using statements like that! It's like, a curse or something!" Canada exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?" Mexico asked. Canada sighed.

"Fine... I sure hope Mexico doesn't trip on a rock," Canada said. America and Mexico looked at Canada like he lost his mind, but while Mexico was staring at Canada he accidentally tripped on a rock. America started laughing his butt off.

"What the hell?" Mexico said, realizing what just happened. America helped Mexico up, still slightly laughing to himself.

"You see what I mean? Every time we say "I hope nothing goes wrong!" Everything goes very wrong!" Canada exclaimed.

"Do you think you're just overthinking it?" America asked.

"Maybe, but it is weird to think about, right?" Canada said. The three walked in silence, but suddenly America started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Mexico asked.

"I just realized, every time we start getting existential, we usually just get tacos to lighten the mood," America said.

"That's the problem! A lack of tacos!" Canada exclaimed. Mexico laughed.

"Alright, I'll make you guys some tacos tomorrow when we get back home," Mexico said.

"Lets go!" America exclaimed.

After a while of walking, Mexico grew kinda tired, and America had to carry him.

"Canada, how far away is this waterfall?" America asked.

"We should be there soon! Don't you hear it?" Canada exclaimed. Eventually, after a few more minutes of walking, they came across a large waterfall. The three were silent with awe.

"Ohmygoditssopretty," America said all in one breath.

"This.... Oh my god," Mexico said.

For once the three were too awe struck to even be chaotic idiots. They sat down on a nearby rock and took in the scenery.

"Man, I wish all of life was this perfect," America said, slightly sad. Canada sighed. Sometimes people just need a reminder that there are good things left in the world, no matter how big or small they may be. For countries, it was no different.

Mexico wrapped his arm around America's shoulder.

"Yeah... but like you said...

At least we have each other,"

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