Lets get this party started!

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The quartet were making their way to the New Years Eve party

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The quartet were making their way to the New Years Eve party. It was held at the same building as the winter holiday party, however the quartet felt as though they could find the building easily even without knowing the directions. They could hear the music and party cries from miles away.

"This is definitely not my kind of party," Greenland said.

"Well, we'll just try to stay close, near the liquor table of course. It's New Years Eve after all, so why not get absolutely white girl wasted together?" Mexico asked.

"Sounds like a plan," America said. The quartet walked inside, and were immediately hit with the smell of liquor and perfume. Everyone was dressed up in colorful glittering clothes, and everyone had at least one drink in their hands.

"Let's try our best to stay fateful and pure," America said. The quartet silently nodded in agreement, and made their way to the liquor table.

I think you all see where this is going.

"F*******CK YEAH!!!!" Someone screamed. Honestly, nobody could tell who. The room was going insane. People were making out, beating each other up, dancing, feeling lost, screaming random things.

Greenland and some of his city friends were just chilling and drinking wine, while Mexico and his state friends were aggressively wrestling in between shots of tequila.

America was beating up a random dude for trying to touch his dads no no parts, while Britain was beating someone else up for seemingly no reason.

Canada was hanging out with his provinces, and admittedly none of them could tell what was actually going on.

It got to the point where ghosts started crowding in the mirrors to spectate the scene, some of them even bringing popcorn. However, some of the people saw the ghosts of their enemies, and punched the mirrors out of drunken rage.

Well, I wonder if any of them will end up regretting this night

Only time will tell

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