Just guys being dudes

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(I'm sorry the past few chapters didn't have costumes! Here is a short comic I made to compensate! It's based off one off the very first chapters)

(I'm sorry the past few chapters didn't have costumes! Here is a short comic I made to compensate! It's based off one off the very first chapters)

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That night was miserable for Mexico and America. Since they weren't as used to cold weather, they were freezing. America was only half freezing though, because his body can never make up its mind. Canada woke up feeling well rested despite sleeping on the equivalent of an elevated floor. He turned to look at Mexico and America, who were shivering in the foldout bed huddled together in the corner of it for warmth.

"you guys ok?" Canada asked.

"WHY IS IT SO F*CKING COLD?!?!" Mexico exclaimed.

"We are in the mountains. It gets cold," Canada said.

"I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU AND YOUR WARM BLOODED A**," America shouted. Greenland and Antarctica walked in the room.

"What's all the shouting about?" Greenland asked.

"COLD," Mexico and America shouted. Antarctica smiled.

"Well, good thing I brought stuff to make hot chocolate," Antarctica said. While Antarctica was making the hot chocolate, America and Mexico were putting on all of the warmest clothes they had.

"I'm still cold," Mexico said. America crossed his arms.

"Ok, now you're just fishing for sympathy," America said.

"Is it working?" Mexico asked.

"Yes," America said, stealing Canada's spare jacket and throwing it to Mexico. The jacket was just big enough for Mexico to hide in it and turn himself into a ball, so he did. America picked him up.

"Hey Nada! Catch!" America exclaimed, swinging Mexico back as if he was about to throw him. Mexico shrieked. America laughed and put Mexico down. Mexico immediately punched him in the stomach.

"YOU SUCK!" Mexico shrieked.

"Hey, no fighting," Antarctica said, putting marshmallows in the hot chocolate. Greenland walked into the room holding a map.

"Ok, there is a forest trail about an hour away from here and the lake is on the way back. So we can hike in the forest and after that, sit around holding sticks," Greenland said.

"Sounds like fun," Canada said. America and Mexico were chugging their hot chocolates, burning their throats.

Once everyone was ready, they hopped in the car and headed down the road. Since they still didn't have any cell service, they had to talk to each other.

"Is it gay to kiss your homies good night?" America asked.

"Uhh... I guess if you're doing it platonically it's not," Greenland said. America nodded gravely.

"Ok... just making sure," America said.

"If peanut butter wasn't called peanut butter, what would it be called?" Canada asked.

"Sticky nut juice," America said. Everyone started incomprehensibly disagreeing with him.

"What's wrong with sticky nut juice?" America asked.

"Everything. Every. F*cking. Thing," Mexico said.

"Oh..... OH IM A F*CKING IDIOT," America exclaimed. They started laughing.

Soon, they arrived at the forest trail. They got out the car and headed up the trail, admiring the view.

"Imagine climbing these," America said, looking up at the tall trees.

"Imagine getting stuck up there," México said.

"Imagine falling from all the way up there," Canada said.

"Try it, we'll catch you," America said.

"No," Greenland said. The trio sighed and continued following Greenland and Antarctica.

"Ok, stay on the trail guys-." Right when Antarctica said this, America tripped off the trail and fell down a small hill into the bushes.

"You ok Ame?" Greenland exclaimed. America looked up at them and smiled.

"What's better than this? just guys being dudes," America said. Mexico and Canada burst out laughing. America climbed back up the hill and rejoined the group.

"I'm impressed. We have been out for almost twenty three hours now and that's the first time any of you have inexplicably fallen, good job," Greenland said.

"They days not over," Canada said. Greenland rolled his eyes. Once they walked all around the trail they began heading back to the car.

"My legs hurt," México said.

"Nope, my guilt sentence has been lifted, remember?" America said.

"You threatened to throw me," Mexico said.

"And you punched me in the stomach! We're even already!" America exclaimed. Canada sighed.

"I'll carry you," Canada said. Mexico hummed in thought.

"No, you're to nice. You don't deserve it," México said.

"OH I SEE HOW IT IS," America exclaimed. America grabbed Mexico and slung him over his shoulder. "I think I'm just gonna hang out near this cliff here." America stood in front of the cliff with his back to it, indirectly dangling Mexico over the cliff.

"I TAKE IT BACK JESUS CHRIST I TAKE IT BACK CANADA HELP ME F* CKING HELP," Mexico exclaimed. America started laughing.

"Hey guys, stop playing near the cliff," Antarctica said. America set Mexico down, who immediately shoved him.

"OH SHI-," America exclaimed, almost falling to his doom. Mexico grabbed onto him and stopped him from falling.

"Sh*t I'm sorry!" Mexico exclaimed.

"You could have killed me!" America exclaimed angrily, before realizing something. "You have to carry me now!" America exclaimed.

"Oh come on!" Mexico exclaimed. Canada laughed.

"Fair is fair Mex, you did almost kill him after all," Canada said.

"I have just been beat at my own game!" Mexico exclaimed. "Also, how am I supposed to carry you? You're too big,".

"WOW ok, that hurt my feelings," America said.

"Guys, hurry up! We're leaving without you!" Greenland exclaimed, starting up the car. The trio ran to the car and got in.

"Ok, it's fishing time boys," Antarctica exclaimed.

"Fish tacos?!"

"Aw heck yeah!"

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