Origin chapter

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(Just in case you needed proof)

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(I wish I knew why)

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(I wish I knew why)

The trio were hanging out in the family room when suddenly, Greenland walked in the room holding two large boxes.

"Can you help?!" Greenland exclaimed, almost loosing his balance. Canada got up and took one of the boxes from him. They set the boxes down on the coffee table.

"What's this?" America asked.

"It's the stuff from your basement that you still have to sort through. It's been sitting in the corner for weeks now," Greenland said. The trio shrugged and started sorting through the storage stuff.

"Oh look, my old uniform from when I totally beat dad into the ground," America said, holding up an old colonial uniform. Canada rolled his eyes.

"Oh sh*t," Mexico said, taking out a bunch of guns from a box, each ranging from multiple different eras. America gasped.

"THERE THEY ARE!" America exclaimed. He took the guns and hugged them closely. "My babies," America said softly.

"You have been looking for those ever since you first moved in! What were they doing in the basement?" Canada exclaimed. Mexico sighed.

"Ok.... we're all friends here right?" Mexico said. They looked at him suspiciously and nodded. Mexico took a deep breath. "Whenifirstmovedintothehousewithyouguysihidamericasgunsfromhimbecauseihatedhisguts," México said in one breath. America stared at him, and then back down at the guns.

"Why....why didn't you tell me?" America asked.

"Because we became friends and I felt guilty and I didn't want to ruin everything," Mexico said. "Besides, I didn't want to ruin Canada's trust in me either, especially since he was the only reason I was allowed in the house!"

"Wait, what happened?" Greenland asked. The trio sighed.

"Well, back in the distant year of 2008....

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