GIRLS NIGHT (gender bend chpt)

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(Surprise mother hecker)

(Surprise mother hecker)

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(They got boobs now)

(I'm not sorry)

Canada, Mexico and Greenland were hanging out on the couch. They spent all day just relaxing and doing absolutely nothing. America walked into the room and stared at them in disappointment.

"This is not gonna do," America said. Canada shrugged.

"I don't know, I'm having a good time. What about you Paula?" Canada asked her pet frog.

"Ribbit," Paula said. America scoffed.

"I don't care! We're going out tonight! Make yourselves presentable. We're having a godd*mn girls night!" America exclaimed. Mexico slowly got off the couch.

"We live together... isn't every night a girls night for us no matter what?" Mexico asked.

"Now is not the time for technicalities Mex! Now hurry up and get ready," America exclaimed. Everyone went to their rooms and put on their best outfits.

"Why am I trying to look so pretty?" Mexico asked. America was putting on makeup.

"Because you are?" America said. Mexico shrugged. When they were ready, The quartet got in the car and drove to a large outdoor mall. When they got there, they spotted Japan and her younger brother Neko Japan.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?" Canada exclaimed. Neko Japan smiled.

"We're meeting SK and the Philippines for dinner, what about you guys?" Neko Japan asked.

"Girls night!" America exclaimed.

"Isn't this the third girls night you've had this week?" Japan asked. America nodded.

"And It's sure not the last!" America exclaimed. The quartet walked around the outdoor mall and occasionally stopped into stores to look at things without buying them.

"What the heck?! Literally who even wears these maxi dresses?! They are so long?!? How do you not trip?!?" Mexico exclaimed to Greenland. Canada overheard this and picked a maxi dress off of the clothing rack the held it up towards herself and saw that it barely reached her feet.

".... these are literally the only dresses that look good on me...," Canada said. Mexico crossed her arms.

"No! You look good in everything. Freakishly long or not!" Mexico exclaimed. Canada smiled.

"Yeah... I guess dudes find tall girls intimidating," Canada said.

"Pft, whatever. They are just trying to make you more insecure than they are. Any dude who is actually comfortable in their own skin wouldn't tear you down just to make themselves feel better. Heck, there are even insecure guys who are nice enough not to tear others down to lift themselves higher. It should apply to everyone honestly," Mexico said. Canada nodded.

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