Winter is here

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Mexico woke up and looked out the window. White covered the neighborhood, and small delicate snowflakes fell from the clouds. Mexico ran down the stairs.

"THE WHITE SH*T IS BACK! WE'RE GOING OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW!" Mexico exclaimed excitedly.

"You mean the snow?" Greenland asked. Mexico nodded enthusiastically and got on some warm clothes. He and America ran outside and began having a snowball fight. Canada smiled at Mexico's childish reaction to the snow.

"He sure is excited," Greenland commented.

"He is every year. He's tropical, so the snow is always super exciting for him," Canada said. The quartet spent their morning outside playing in the snow. Greenland and Canada were just humoring Mexico, and America just wanted to beat all of his loved ones with snowballs. It didn't take too long before Mexico got too cold though, so they had to go back inside. The trio enthusiastically discussed this years holiday plans while Greenland made some hot chocolate.

"So, what are we celebrating this year?" Mexico asked.

"Well, we celebrated Hanukkah last year, so I'm thinking we do Christmas this year," America said.

"Fair enough. We should also visit the provinces and states this year," Canada said. America nodded.

"Yeah, New York called me ahead of time to let me know that he's planning a huge holiday party. And he's inviting everyone," America said.

"Oh great, I wonder what could go wrong?" Greenland said. America shrugged.

"Probably everything, but maybe some Christmas miracles and clichés will happen. That could be fun," America said.

"Yeah, like mistletoe...," Canada said. The trio stared at Greenland who rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever," Greenland said. The trio laughed.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's decorate already!" Mexico exclaimed. The quartet got in their car and went to get some spicy new Christmas decorations. While they were at the store, they saw different varieties of decorations. There was sparkly stuff, Jesus themed stuff, ornaments of many colors and varieties, snowflakes, plastic trees and bells.

"I've been saving up a lot of money so go ahead and bankrupt me," America said. They took this as a challenge. As they walked out the store America silently cried to himself knowing his wallet was hurting.

"We gotta be creative with gifts this year, what's on your guy's wishlist's?" Canada asked. Greenland shrugged.

"I pretty much have everything I need," Greenland said.

"My happiness depends on collecting pointless material possessions to substitute for my lack of self worth," America said. Mexico hummed in thought.

"Maybe we can get a therapist for Christmas," Mexico said. America and Canada laughed. "I'm serious! It actually might be helpful," Mexico exclaimed.

"Pft- people only go to therapy when they need help," Canada said.

"You don't?" America asked. Canada opened his mouth to respond, before realizing that maybe he did.

"Huh... I guess we can think about it," Canada said. America sighed.

"Well, this Christmas I was going to buy Mex some f*ckin kicka** earrings, but he blew all my money on Christmas decorations," America said. Mexico rolled his eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic, did you forget about your crisis safe?" Mexico asked. America's eyes lit up.

"Oh yeah! Damn, it's weird that I haven't gotten that thing out yet. I'm pretty sure a lot of what's happened to us might have constituted as a crisis," America said.

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