Well THAT was unexpected

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(Costume request from Supercat1237: Historical clothing)

(Costume request from Supercat1237: Historical clothing)

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(I know that there are a lack of hats... but I'm bad at hats :p)


the quartet were hanging out in the living room talking about random Topics when suddenly, canada got a text.

"Huh, It's antarctica. he Says he needs our help with something," canada said. america shrugged.

"ok, I guess we can help him out," america Said. mexico looked down At snowball.

"i hate to say this, but Let's bring snowball so we can Let Antarctica have his dog back," mexico said. america nodded sadly.

"Damn, im Really gonna miss him," america said. canada sighed.

"we'll be Excited to see you Again snowball. Maybe we can watch over you again soon?" canada said. snowball gave canada a doggy kiss.

"we love you too snowball,"

Greenland watched the trio get into the car with Snowball. He wasn't sure why he wasn't going with the trio, but he felt extremely tired and disoriented. Greenland plopped onto the couch and sighed.

It was so quiet without the trio around, it was almost scary. Greenland had grown used to the noise and the chaos. So much so that the silence that permeated his home was no longer comforting, but worrying. He decided to have a conversation with Pablo to fill the silence.

He went up to Pablo's enclosure and took him out of it. He sat on Canada's guest bed and looked Pablo deep in the eyes.

"Ribbit," Pablo asked. Pablo was right, Greenland was drowned with feelings of unease, and apprehension.

"Ribbit," Pablo said. Pablo was right once again, Greenland needed to make sure the trio and Antarctica were ok. Greenland put Pablo down and rushed outside. He hopped in his car and drove as fast as he could to Antarctica's house.

How could you be so stupid?

You should know by now that it's never a good idea to leave those three alone

How can you be such an idiot?

You are horrible.

You are worthless.

Everyone who ever loved you was wrong.

Do you hear me?!

Suddenly, Greenland hit a pothole and swerved off the road. He let out a soundless scream. He climbed out of the wreckage, scraped and bruised. He looked ahead to see Antarctica's house.

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