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America was at the snack table eating snacks. Because what else would you do at a snack table? Suddenly, Indonesia walked up to him.

"Hey Ame," Indonesia said.

"Hey Indo! What's up?" America exclaimed.

"Not much, just the usual. Phil, Malaysia and I almost set our house on fire," Indonesia said. America laughed.

"So did me and my roommates! Trouble always seems to come in groups of three Huh?" America said. Indonesia nodded.

"Hey Ame? I got a weird question...," Indonesia said.

"I got a weird answer," America said.

"So... why don't you ever take your glasses off?" Indonesia asked, "NK told me it was because your eyes are fully black.... and when I asked Phil and SK they both agreed... so...," Indonesia said.

"Oh, um that's interesting... sorry I have to go talk to someone real quick," America said. America walked away from the food table to the corner of the room where he saw North Korea hanging out with China and Russia.

"What the F*CK is up NK. whAt the F*CK dude. Step the F*CK up NK," America exclaimed. North Korea shrugged.

"What, it's just eyes. I mean, everyone probably knows at this point," North Korea said.

"What happened to being all secretive and mysterious?" America exclaimed.

"I'm the only one who can be secretive and mysterious here! And you just have stupid eyes! That doesn't even come close to the sh*t I can pull!" North Korea exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just stop going around and spreading these stupid rumors that are 100% fake and also not true," America said.

"Meri... we literally all saw it. I don't see why you are making it more difficult for yourself," Russia said. America crossed his arms.

"Whatever, I'm leaving," America said dramatically. North Korea grabbed America's arm and reached for his sunglasses. But suddenly he got pushed onto his back. North Korea looked up to see Mexico and Canada.

"No dramatic bullsh*t is allowed, have a nice day," Canada said. The trio walked back to their friends and continued talking about science and all that cool stuff.

"So, hows Italy?" Canada asked.

"He's good actually, he says he doesn't even remember what happened or why he went missing. He just remembered waking up at home," Germany said.

"Huh, that's weird...," Mexico said.

"Hey Ame, by the way, are your eyes-," Germany started, before being punched in the stomach by Mexico.

"duDE!! WHAT THE F*CK!" Greenland exclaimed, pushing Mexico away from Germany.

"Ow...," Germany said, clutching his stomach. America facepalmed.

"Dude... what the actual f*ck...," America said.

"Sorry... hyper vigilance... I guess I'm too good of a bodyguard," Mexico said.

"Alright, well thank you for making me look more suspicious," America said. Germany crossed his arms.

"So you're hiding something," Germany said. America laughed nervously.

"Ummm...... I gotta go to the bathroom," America said, before disappearing into the crowd.

"Sh*t! We have to find him before a hot dude sweeps him off his feet!" Mexico exclaimed.

"Oh! Can I go? I love predictable fan fiction clichés!" Nekomi exclaimed. (and there is nothing wrong with enjoying a good cliché, you do you my man/woman/human).

"Uh, sorry Nekomi, this is official homie business," Canada said. Nekomi sighed in disappointment.

"Ok... but if a moonlit kiss happens without me there I'm gonna be pissed," Nekomi said. Mexico, Canada and Greenland went outside and looked for America.

"Where is he?" Canada asked nobody in particular.

"I don't know, I'm gonna call him," Greenland said. After a few moments of ringing, America picked up.

A: hey

G: where are you?

A: I'm in the garden

G: how cliché

A: don't worry, the only hot dude I see here is myself

G:.... ok whatever

Greenland hung up and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Ok, he's in the garden," Greenland said.

"Wait, this place has a garden?!" Canada exclaimed. Greenland shrugged.

"I guess it does," Greenland said. They walked over to the garden and found America sitting on a bench.

"Hey guys," America said.

"... should we go back to the party?" Greenland asked.

"I don't know, man... it's pretty out here," Mexico said.

"Garden party!" Canada exclaimed. The quartet sat down in the garden and talked. A few hours passed by.

"Ughh it's so dark out...," America groaned.

"Ame... you are wearing sunglasses.... in the middle of the night," Canada said. America sighed.

"Well, if it's just the four of us...," America said while taking off his glasses.

"AHA!!! I'VE CAUGHT YOU!" North Korea exclaimed.

".... how long have you been spying on us...?" America asked.

"DOESN'T MATTER! I'm gonna tell EVERYONE!" North Korea exclaimed. Suddenly, Greenland got an idea.

"OH YEAH?!? You really think you are you little b*tch?!?!? I BET WE'RE GONNA TELL THEM FIRST!!!" Greenland exclaimed.

"We are?!" Canada exclaimed.

"F*CK YEAH WE ARE!! Do You really want to be bested by THAT guy?!?" Greenland exclaimed. America entered challenge mode.

"Hell no!!!" America exclaimed. The quartet pushed North Korea to the side and rushed into the building, America's eyes exposed for everyone to see.

"Ame! Your eyes are black!" Peru exclaimed.

"Frick yeah they are!!!" America exclaimed. With that, everyone continued partying as if nothing happened.

Later, the quartet was in their car, driving home.

"I can't believe I did that.... I can't believe you knew that would work on me Greenland," America said. Greenland laughed.

"Of course I knew, I am your mother after all," Greenland said. The trio laughed.

"Well, thanks for that... I really don't know why I was so scared. It was fine when I showed everyone... nobody even thought twice about it," America said.

"Because you were confident. If you made a big deal out of it, then of course everyone else would as well," Greenland said. America smiled.

"Damn... I feel stupid now," America said. Mexico laughed.

"Yeah, but I'm the one who punched Germany in the stomach for no reason," Mexico said. Canada smiled smugly.

"Hah, I didn't do anything stupid today! Take that!" Canada exclaimed. Greenland rolled his eyes.

"Congratulations Canada, for being the smartest idiot," Greenland said. Canada smiled.

"It's still better then being the dumbest idiot!" Canada exclaimed.

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