It'll be ok

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Greenland bought the kids some lollipops and took them back home. A few minutes later, Antarctica showed up with Snowball. Snowball rushed up to Mexico and America, who freaked out.

"Ayúdanos!" Mexico exclaimed. Greenland knelt down next to them and pet Snowball.

"It's ok you two, he won't bite," Greenland said. Everest came out from upstairs, curious of the noise. Mexico pointed at Everest.

"Dangerous?" Mexico asked. Greenland shook his head.

"No, she's really friendly. Go say hi!" Greenland said. Mexico timidly walked towards Everest and pat her on the head. Everest laid down on the ground as a sign of peace. Mexico giggled and began rubbing her belly. Greenland looked down at Canada, who looked left out.

"Come with me Canada, I have something to show you," Greenland said, taking his hand. Canada hesitantly followed him. Greenland took Canada to his room and took Pablo out of his enclosure. Canada seemed fearful yet curious of the frog. "Do you want to hold him?" Greenland asked. Canada silently nodded. Greenland placed the frog in Canada's hands, and Greenland saw Canada's eyes immediately fill with love.

The two countries (and one frog) went back downstairs. Antarctica was staring at America and Mexico playing with the dogs in confusion. Greenland let the kids play with their pets in the living room and led Antarctica to the kitchen.

"So... basically there was a mess up with this machine that reverses aging... they are gonna be like this for a bit," Greenland said. Antarctica nodded silently.

"Well... that sure is strange...," Antarctica said. Greenland nodded.

"We just have to keep them entertained and happy, and hopefully Japan and Germany don't take too long...," Greenland said. Antarctica nodded.

"Well... I've always wanted kids...," Antarctica said. Greenland slightly laughed.

"let's go keep an eye on them," Greenland said.

When they walked back in the living room, they saw the TV on and the kids hiding behind the couch. Greenland knelt down next to the trio.

"What's wrong?" Greenland asked.

"The box thing is talking to us...," America said, hugging Canada, accidentally slightly choking him.

"It's ok, it's just... a moving picture," Greenland said. Mexico glanced at the TV worriedly.

"People stuck in it?" Mexico asked. Greenland and Antarctica couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"No, it's like a painting. Except it moves and says things! It tells stories for us, you wanna see?" Greenland asked. The trio silently nodded. They sat down on the couch, and Greenland put on a movie. The trio stared in awe at the television, barely being able to advert their eyes from the seemingly magical box.

While the trio were distracted with watching movies and playing small games with each other (because kids have rapidly changing attention spans), Greenland and Antarctica were talking to each other. Strangely enough, the trio being children didn't feel that much different then when they were adults. They began getting lost in conversation, as they often do when talking to each other. Somehow the topic turned to first kisses.

"Yeah, my brother always brags about his first kiss. It just sounds like a really awkward thing to brag about though," Greenland said.

"Have you had your first kiss?" Antarctica asked.

"No, never had someone to kiss before," Greenland said, starting to panic.

"Well you do now," Antarctica said, taking Greenland's hand.

North America GangTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang