Contributing to the economy and getting that cash

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(Costume request from Cajun_Yankee: Native American (including Aztec and Inuit) Folklore creatures)

(Warning: America is shirtless)

(Also just accept that they have an immense knowledge of special effects makeup)

(Also just accept that they have an immense knowledge of special effects makeup)

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Mexico and America were sitting on the couch pondering their lives.

"Hey Mex?" America said.

"Yeah?" Mexico replied.

"Is it gay to eat popcorn?" America asked.

"Why?" Mexico asked.

"Well, you're basically eating a busted nut," America said. Mexico shrugged.

"It doesn't matter to you though. You are literally the gayest person I know," Mexico said.

"HEY! I'm not offended by that but I can see within the realm of possibility that someone could be! Also I'm not that gay! Whatever that even means!" America exclaimed.

"Ame, you're so gay I bet you wouldn't even suck my d*ck right now," Mexico said.

"Yes I would Dude!......Wait what....," America said. Canada and Greenland walked through the front door.

"Hey guys! I bought Everest a doggy bed!" Canada exclaimed. America looked around.

"Where is Everest?" America asked. The quartet wandered around the house, looking for the dog. America walked into Canada's room and saw Everest lying on the bed, staring at Pablo, who was staring back.

"Um... y'all good?" America asked.

"Ribbit," Pablo said. Everest slightly wagged her tail.

"Ok, cool. I'm glad you two are getting to know each other," America said, sitting on the bed next to Everest.

"Antarctica is coming over next week. We're gonna make our own Halloween decorations for the party in a few weeks. He's going to bring Snowball, and I want both of you to be nice to him, ok?" America said.

"Ribbit," Pablo said. America sighed.

"Good enough," America said. He walked down the stairs and sat down on the couch, Everest following closely behind. Canada was at the kitchen counter looking at their receipt from the store.

"$120.... Ame, isn't it weird how we all seem to use the same currency?" Canada asked. America shrugged.

"It's for simplicity. It would be way too hard to have such a large variety of currencies in just one town," America said. Canada sighed.

"Now that I think of it... where did all this money come from anyway? It's not like we have any jobs... unless you count all the work UN has us do... but we don't necessarily get paid for that, it's more of a requirement," Canada said. America shrugged.

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