T̶A̸C̶O̸S̶ (short chapter)

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The trio were spat out into another dimension. They looked around, and they found themselves in a city identical to theirs, but with a strange exception. Every building, clothing, furniture, store, and accessory was taco themed. Every store was either a taco shop or something related to tacos.

"What the hell happened here?" Mexico asked.

"I don't know... I think it's best to just find Pablo and get the heck out of here," Nekomi said.

"Wait.... you said the closer the dimensions are to us the less different they are supposed to be?" America asked.

"Look, this place is almost exactly the same other than the amount of tacos," Nekomi said. The trio walked into a nearby taco shop and saw themselves sitting inside it.

"Oh hey, it's us," Taco America said.

"You seem underwhelmed," America said.

"Eh, this isn't the weirdest thing we've ever seen," Taco Canada said.

"So... what happened here?" Mexico asked.

"I honestly have no clue... just.... tacos," Taco Mexico said. All of the sudden, they heard gunshots outside.

"Um, whats that all about?" Canada asked.

"Taco police. They're dealing with the taco rioters. The taco rioters are demanding for at least one restaurant with anything other than tacos," Taco America said.

"I see where they're coming from, but I wish that the taco rioters calmed down and stuck with the taco peaceful protesters," Taco Canada said. Mexico noticed the frog shard lying on a nearby table, which he picked up.

"Alright.... well sorry to barge in... I think we'll be heading out now," Mexico said.

"Good, get out while you still can," Taco Mexico said. The trio nodded silently and left the taco dimension, deciding that too much of anything is not only bad, but just creepy as heck dude stop it, get some help.

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