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((Since today's chapter was so short, I'm posting two in one day! This one's fun. ಡωಡ ))

Dance was admittedly grateful for the new Sanses, who revealed themselves as Abyss and Mecha. The robot was apparently Abyss's closest friend and assigned guardian of the remarkably small one, who's scarves literally turned into wings.

He felt out of place somewhat as they knew nothing of each other, but was fascinated by the book of AU's Abyss apparently had, staring at the page in it that was a bio on himself.
Abyss had explained that he'd been sort of thrown into the Multiverse from his AU's destruction and had been searching for something capable of bringing it back.
Dance couldn't help but pity him.
Even if he could have brought it back, he had lost that chance, ending up stranded in Alagaësia.
Hard luck.

Mecha didn't seem too affected by the stranding himself, instead trusting that it would work out fine in the end.
The pair and Dance had joined with Roran and the others to discuss strategies and sharpen a few weapons. Roran even offered Dance a spear.
"In case someone slips by your magic."
He'd simply shaken his skull and summoned a sharp bone attack.
"I can just use one of these. Those'll break if I tried fighting with them."

Jeod had been out the entire time, meeting with his men and gather those willing to join them.
Dance had been standing there quietly and out of the way when Jeod returned, addressing Roran. "We can count on five more hands. I only hope it's enough."

It was a few hours past midnight when they all woke up, Dance grinning like mad as he gently shook the new skeletons awake, then joining the villagers in the mansion's front lobby as everyone put on a cloak to hide themselves, not just the skeletons.

Jeod arrived, holding an oil lantern that he lit and held before them. "Are we ready?"
A series of nods answered him. He unlocked the door and they headed onto the cobblestone outside, whereupon the merchant paused, gazing into his house for his wife. She did not come. He shivered, shutting the door.
Roran gently took hold of the man's arm. "What's done is done."
"I know."
Abyss nudged him. "Hey, she might still show up. It's a difficult decision, Jeod."

And so they scurried through the dark streets, only slowing when they came across a patrol or other midnight wanderer, which for the most part avoided their group. Dance flinched when someone walked over them on the roofs above.
"The design of the city makes it easy for thieves to climb from one roof to another." Jeod told them.

They slowed down when they approached the gate to the harbor, open with a few men passing through already.
Dance gritted his teeth as the guards aimed their pikes at their group, demanding their business there. Jeod merely handed one a scroll, to which the man stared for a while.
He returned it. "You may pass."

When they were a little ways away from the wall, Jeod spoke.
"It's a good thing he couldn't read."
Dance snirked loudly as Mecha snorted, the two high-fiving at their shared sense of humor. "Quiet, you'll draw attention to us." Birgit hissed at them.

They stood on the damp, crusty wood, waiting for the sailors to arrive. They looked rather like sailors would when they came, braided hair, scarred, but quiet. They immediately noticed the skeletons, who had removed their hoods; eyeing them in suspicion before regarding the rest of them.

A larger human stepped forward, pointing his thumb to Birgit. "You didn't say there'd be a woman along for the fightin'. How am I supposed to concentrate with some backwoods tramp getting in m' way?"
"Don't talk about her like that." Nolfavrell growled as Dance's eyelights flashed angrily.
"An' her runt, too?"
Jeod spoke evenly. "Birgit has fought the Ra'zac. And her son has already killed one of Galbatorix's best soldiers. Can you claim as much, Uthar?"
"It's not proper." Another spoke. "I wouldn't feel safe with a woman at my side; they do naught but bring bad luck. A lady shouldn't-"

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now