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When their team of four arrived at the sparring field, they were greeted by several friends. Orik, Cross, Killer, Dust, a strangely bewildered looking Reaper and Seraphim, and Horror, aura shimmering strangely as three strange new skeletons stood behind him, seeming… not quite there. Like shadows or echoes.

Orik greeted Eragon with pleasant surprise at his solved puzzle ring as Blue blinked at the strangers. "Who are they?" He asked Dust. He seemed most likely to know. Said skeleton shrugged. "Dunno, just that they're ghosts and following Horror." A little perturbed, Blue headed to the grinning broken skeleton, who's smile widened upon his approach.
"Why am I not surprised that you see 'em, too?"

Blue hesitated, taken aback by the other's remarkably clear voice. He had rarely heard a voice so smooth from a Sans, and never would have expected it from him, of all people. Horror normally rasped like an old man.
"What did the celebration do to you?"
Horror giggled at the question. "A lotta things, Blue. Guess what?" He practically taunted, two rose colored eyelights flaring slightly.
"...What?" Blue indulged curiously.

"Do you remember that the sun is classified as a main sequence star with a surface temperature of 6,000 to 5,000 degrees celsius as an average, nontypical yellow star? Yet the coldest known star is a dull red at a temp of 3,600 or 2,000, a little under half that same heat. Yet the hottest is a cold blue and the average temperature on the surface alone is upwards of 11,000 or even 28,000 degrees celsius! I don't know about you, but stars are really hot, huh?" He gazed at Blue pointedly as the energetic skeleton stared blankly at him.

He slowly furrowed his non-existent eyebrows. "I can't decide… if you sound more like Error.. or Outer right now…."
Horror snirked, facepalming. "I think you missed the point, buddy." He snickered.
Blue stared hard at him. "Do you have any idea how well I've familiarized myself with star facts because of Error? I'm just.. I was not expecting that. I never took you to be that knowledgeable about stars…" He spotted Spacey staring in awe at a pair of dueling elves.
Then it suddenly dawned on him.
This was Horror.

"Oh my God." He deadpanned.
"There it is." Horror whispered.
"Oh my gosh." He blinked.
"You're completely coherent."
"I am absolutely, unequivocally, irrevocably present in the mind."
"Holy-" His voice escalated in pitch. Horror started giggling maniacally.
"HoLY-" He squealed, cutting off as he remembered the children present.

Horror exploded in laughter, wheezing as Dust broke down as well, Killer howling close by at the choice of words as Cross choked, Reaper wheezing himself. Blue grabbed Horror by the shoulders, shaking him. "YOU'RE OKAY! YOU'RE OKAY! YOU'RE THINKING STRAIGHT! YOU STILL HAVE A HOLE BUT YOU'RE RECOVERED! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH-" He screeched in confusion and amazement, shaking Horror wildly as he leaned back to scream.

Eragon finally started peeling him off the other, snickering at the infectious excitement. "Blue, you're going to shake him to death."
"You were busy being unconscious." Horror told him between giggles.
"WHAT ELSE DID I MISS?!" Blue continued shouting.

XChara abruptly appeared in front of his face, upside down with a conniving grin. Blue froze for a moment, then the ghostly human wiggled his eyebrows.
"Chara what the fuck." Cross's voice carried over the field, sending everyone back into stitches.

"Wait, am I the only one noticing Blue has a tail?" Killer suddenly spoke up.
Dust collapsed on the ground, struggling to breathe in between explosive fits of laughter as Reaper started gasping for air, tears leaking out of his sockets as he started drifting.
"But guys, why does he have a tail?"
"He makes a valid point, Blue did not have a tail before." Orik argued.

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