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Three and a half days. Carvahall had been in turmoil over what to do since the attack. Alter did his best to help, Dance never far from his side as his friend was worried for him. This often meant helping the villagers strengthen Carvahall's fortifications, though as more found out about Alter's royalty, the more he had to explain how it wasn't important in this situation. He simply said royalty and race meant nothing when they were all in the same position. The argument worked.

Everyone had begun to listen to Roran, often calling him Stronghammer. They listened out of awe, respect, even fear. Alter had commented on the subject once, smiling softly as he said the name suited him.

The pair of skeletons often found themselves keeping the peace, Dance getting fed up with one fight and calming them down by suggesting and later explaining his dancing culture to curb the violence. It didn't do much, except intrigue some of the humans, which was partially successful in easing tensions when the topic would come up right before a fight broke out, calming the parties involved.
Alter would suggest they flee to Surda after learning of the country, for protection. He was often countered with "how?". With which he had nothing to say, knowing better than to suggest the Spine.

Currently they stood in the corner of the dining room of Horst's house, a wild argument erupting around the table about their next option. The villagers couldn't find any. Dance bit his tongue, the violet thing sticking between his teeth as he held back his opinion. Alter rested his hand on his shoulder reassuringly, though he was full of anxiety himself.

"I have something to say." Roran suddenly spoke during a lull in the conversation. All eyes- eyesockets in their case- turned to him. He breathed in unsteadily.
"Indecision will kill us just as surely as a sword or arrow. I don't know if we should attack or flee-" "Where?" Kiselt scoffed.
Ignoring the interruption, Roran continued. "-but I do know one thing: our children, our mothers, and our infirm must be protected from danger. The Ra'zac have barred us from Cawley and the other farms down the valley. So what? We know this land better than any in Alagaësia, and there is a place… there is a place where our loved ones will be safe: the Spine."
Everyone burst out shouting angrily, Sloan's voice carrying. "I'll be hanged before I set foot in those cursed mountains!"
"No, I agree with Roran, the Spine will protect them!" Dance shouted back. "I was in there for months!"

"Roran, you of all people know that the Spine is too dangerous- it's where Eragon found the stone that brought the Ra'zac! The mountains are cold, and filled with wolves, bears, and other monsters." "We'd prefer you said beasts." "Why even mention them?" Horst pressed in spite of Alter's interruption.
"Because no matter how many soldiers the Ra'zac summon, they will never dare enter the Spine. Not after Galbatorix lost half his army in it."
"That was a long time ago." Morn noted. Roran spun to face him.
"And the stories have grown all the more frightening in the telling! A trail already exists to the top of the of Igualda Falls. All we have to do is send the children and others up there. They'll only be on the fringe of the mountains, but they'll be safe. If Carvahall is taken, they can wait until the soldiers leave, then find refuge in Therinsford."

"It's too dangerous." Sloan retorted furiously, knuckles white as he gripped the edge of the table. "The cold, the beasts. No sane man would send his family among those."
"But…" Roran's voice fell.
"Nothing will attack a group that large." Dance mentioned helpfully. "If it ever was cursed, it's long gone by now. I spent several months up their, a long time just wandering without a shelter, and I was left alone." Dance spoke calmly.
"You are creatures of death itself! No beasts would attack that which has no meat! You come from those very accursed mountains!"
Dance blinked in surprise, Alter scowling. "Perhaps he was lucky due to our nature, but by the same fear, no creatures would attack a large group either."
Roran spoke up again, this time using soothing tones. "It's not that bad. The snow is already melting off the peaks. It's no colder in the Spine than it was down here a few months ago. And Alter is right, I doubt solve or bears would bother such a large group."
Sloan gritted his teeth furiously, shaking his head. "You will find nothing but death in the Spine."
The rest seemed to agree, causing Dance to grumble and Alter to sigh softly.

Roran took another approach. "Delwin, I know it's cruel of me to say it, but if Elmund hadn't been in Carvahall, he would be alive. Surely you must agree that this is the right thing to do! You have an opportunity to save other parents from your suffering."
They fell silent.
"And Birgit!" Roran heaved himself in her direction, carrying himself on the backs of chairs. "Do you want Nolfavrell to share his father's fate? He has to leave. Can't you see, that is the only way he'll be safe…" He began tearing up, which made Alter's sockets water as well.
"It's for the children!" He shouted.
"Please. I have seen far too many innocent children die in my lifetime… including my own." Alter added, wiping his face. No one else spoke.

Delwin stood slowly. "I will never leave Carvahall so long as my son's killers remain here." He began slowly. "However." He peered around the table before speaking even slower. "I cannot deny the truth of your words; the children must be protected."
"As I said from the beginning." Tara's voice cut through after him.

Baldor spoke next. "Roran is right. We can't allow ourselves to be blinded by fear. Most of us have climbed to the top of the falls at one time or another. It's safe enough."
"I too, must agree." Birgit said hoarsely.
Horst dipped his head. "I would rather not do it, but considering the circumstances…. I don't think we have any other choice."
Slowly, others began to agree to Roran's proposal, Alter gazing at him gratefully for bringing up what he and Dance had been unwilling to.

"Nonsense!" Sloan burst, rising to his feet and pointing at Roran in aggravation. "How will they get enough food to wait for weeks on end? They can't carry it. How will they stay warm? If they light fires, they'll be seen! How, how, how? If they don't starve, they'll freeze. If they don't freeze, they'll be eaten. If they're not eaten… who knows? They may fall!"
"You're blinded by your own fear!" Alter spoke in a clipped tone. Roran spread his hands appeasingly. "If we all help, they will have plenty of food. Fire won't be a problem if they move farther back in the forest, which they must anyway, since there isn't any room to camp by the falls."
"Excuses! Justifications!"

"What would you have us do, Sloan?" Morn inquired.
The butcher laughed harshly. "Not this."
"Then what?"
"It doesn't matter. Only this is the wrong choice."
"You don't have to participate." Horst mentioned pointedly.
"Nor will I." Sloan spoke with finality. "Proceed if you want, but neither I nor my blood shall enter the Spine while I still have marrow in my bones." He snatched his cap and glared at Roran and the skeletons, sweeping out the front door. Roran shot back with a venomous look of his own, furious.

"So…" Horst sat forward, putting his weight on his elbows as he laced his finger together. "If we are going to use Roran's plan, what preparations will be needed?" They all eyed one another suspiciously before Dance and Alter joined the discussion eagerly.

Roran excused himself early, leaving swiftly, as if chased by a demon. The skeletons shared a look with each other when he did so.

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