Stricken with Destiny

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Frisk jumped at the tremendous thunderclap that sounded painfully close outside.
They saw Toriel flinch in the kitchen, nearly dropping the pie in her hands.
"Oh dear, that was so close! Are you alright, my child?" She asked, immediately worried about them.

They nodded, glancing up at the second floor in mild concern. "Sans was up there, maybe he saw it."
This, Toriel nodded, setting the pie back on the counter. "Yes, he was. This is very unusual, I was sure there were no thunderclouds near us for miles."
"Lightning can strike really far out from the storm itself." Frisk stated while turning back to travel up the stairs again.

Both human and Dreemur flinched lightly as the front door slammed open, exuberant fish lady standing in the frame.
"What the heck was that?! I thought lightning only happened during storms!"
"They do." The calm motherly figure responded easily, wringing her paws in worry. "This is indeed strange. Could you please check on Sans, child? He might have been startled by it."

They nodded, quickly marching up the stairs. Undyne joined them, heading for the room she and Alphys shared, patting the child's shoulder kindly as she disappeared into the PC-screen lit darkness. Frisk smiled at them before noticing what was going on outside the glass door at the end of the mezzanine.

"What is it, Frisk?" Toriel asked from below, suddenly alert.
"I- he- uh-" They stammered, staring.
They could see his legs, stained grey with ash as smoke wisped faintly off his still form, faint electric blue sparking off of him.

They suddenly snapped back to the present, shooting down and running into the door with how fast they were going, fumbling slightly as Toriel shouted after them to slow down, but too late, they were already bursting outside, gasping at the disheveled sight.

At his name, he seemed to wake up, sockets cracking open to peer at them weakly. He groaned slightly, shifting a little. His eyelights were gone, and as his sockets opened wider, Frisk could have sworn they saw faint specks of light gleaming like stars before they went back to their usual shadowy depths.

"Are you okay?!" They managed to cry out just as Toriel rushed in on the scene, Undyne on her tail. The goat woman swept Frisk up and behind her, giving them a stern but protective look as she faced the skeleton again.
"Sans? Can you hear me?"

"Mmmm-hmm." He groaned out, struggling to sit up. Toriel bent down, wary of touching him. "What hurts the most right now? Or is it too difficult to speak?"

He finally managed to sit upright, leaning against the soot-covered bars of the railing. He coughed, electric blue mist escaping him, glowing faintly until it blew away.
"Actually." His hoarse voice cracked as he replied wheezily.
"I just ache all over. Voice hurts, though."

"Do you want me to help you?" She asked softly, doe-like eyes watching him gently. Sans nodded listlessly, sockets sliding shut. Toriel frowned, reaching over. She flinched back as she got shocked by his jacket, wincing and shaking her hand before touching it again. This time there was no shock, the access energy having faded already.

So she picked up the short skeleton, carrying him inside, mindful of the doorframe. Frisk darted around her to grab his fallen slippers, hissing slightly as both sparked. Undyne was already on her phone, calling Papyrus as Alphys rushed ahead of Toriel to set blankets up on the couch.

As she set the short skeleton down on the cushions, he winced, blinking as he noticed everyone gathered around him.

Alphys gestured at him wildly, spluttering. "Y-you w-we-were struck by lightning!" She exclaimed, still processing what she'd deduced. "You're c-covered in soot a-and everything! How are you not hurt!"

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