Destruction of Belatona

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((It's a BIG chapter, bois. 9358 words!))

Ganz grimaced as the waves of magenta light sliced through the soldiers, pushing them back so that the Varden could swarm them and maim them. Mel flashed a wicked grin in response, fading in and out as he inflicted memories of pain against humans who could not grasp it's magnitude.

The screams were no easy thing to listen to, so he never pitted himself against them unless forced to. He hated being the cause of so much suffering, the magenta spirit with his face finding catharsis in the agony.

In the distance, he could see lights flash as other skeletons fought with far fewer inhibitions, unleashing power that clearly wasn't meant to be a part of Alagaësia against humans that could not help their situation.
It sickened him how his kind could do this without care.

An abrupt screech startled him from his thoughts, Mel stilling to look over the buildings with uncharacteristic dread.
"What was that?" He called to no one in particular, leaping onto a bone attack to join the spirit.
His shoulders fell.
"Oh no.."
"Oh no indeed, brother." A familiar voice hissed.

He turned, praying he was wrong, only to see an unmistakable figure striding out among the now slain corpses of his former allies, sharpened attacks turning to dust that drifted from the bodies.
"What do you think you are doing? What did I tell you last time?"

"Papyrus, you're wrong! I am telling you, he lied to you! Please-" "Enough of this! I told you what would happen if I found you still supporting this lost cause!" His sockets flared in orange, an array of attacks appearing behind him.
"You will never have the best interests of monsterkind in mind, will you?"
Ganz went cold.
"Paps, that's not-" A sharp bone cut him off, crunching against the cobblestone.
"You do not get to use that name."

The flock of attacks abruptly descended, forcing him to teleport to a nearby roof, sockets wide.
His brother was trying to kill him.
Mel was scowling hatefully, invisible to all else and flickering to him.
"Let me fight him."
"No. He's my brother, Mel."
"He denounced you! Don't worry, I don't plan on killing him."
"You won't hurt my brother. I won't let you."
"But he can hurt you?"

An orange beam tore through the house and he was forced to teleport to another one, watching his brother spin to locate him furiously.
"It's what I have to do." He hissed under his breath.
"It isn't. Never was! You KNOW this! You are better than this. WE are better than this."
"I won't be like Him. I'm not a weapon, Mel! Stop trying to make me like one!" He snapped at the spirit. Mel didn't reply, scowling with crossed arms.
"How many times must we have this song and dance?"

"I preferred when you hid like the coward you are, Sans." GZ spat with disgust, rising on a bone with still more behind him.
"Did the isolation drive you mad?"
Ganz backed to the other side of the building, tense.
"Stop. You don't want to do this."
"Oh I do. With all you have cost us for your own pathetic philosophies over a race that slaughtered our people? Fools like you belong as dust in the snow!" He bellowed.

As the Blasters fired and bones shot forward, a pink blur materialized into a shield, similarly glowing bones tearing through the roof to protect him.
When the grey dust cleared, GZ blinked in surprise at the intangible colored copy of his brother scowling at him.
"You don't get to talk to my host like that."

"What are you?" He asked in disgust, stepping back from the crumbling edge of the house.
"Mel.." "I am the darkness created by you. And OUR father. You think putting violence and Determination into a monster simply leaves them stronger? No. It made me. And I like my little pure Soul host. I will kill and maim and destroy anyone who dares take him from me." His voice grew more present as he continued, rippling and gleaming harshly.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now