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(Oh, I've got a fun chapter in store for you all.~)

He sighed, leaning against the railing as he watched the evening sun approaching the horizon, painting the sky in peach orange.

ꔋ௦𝚋ʏ.. ᥕ𝚑𝚎ⲅ𝚎 𝚊ⲅ𝚎 ʏ௦υ. He wondered blearily, tired.
ꔋ𝚑𝚎ⲅ𝚎'ಽ ௦ᥒ⎝ʏ ಽ௦ ოυϲ𝚑 𝚊 𝚐υʏ ϲ𝚊ᥒ †𝚊𝚔𝚎, 𝚊ᥒ𝚍 𝙸 𝚊ო ᥕ𝚊ʏ ௦٧𝚎ⲅ ოʏ ⎝ᵢოᵢ†, 𝚋υ𝚍.
He glanced down at the shadowed grass below, pondering the individual blades that stuck out over the rest of the lawn as he traced his phalange along the grain of the wood.

The door to the balcony slid open behind him. He didn't pay it any mind, he could recognize the idle Determination in the other's aura.
The newcomer had to stand on their tiptoes to easily lean on the balcony alongside him.
Both just stood there, waiting for the other to speak or move.

"Heya." He broke the silence, still gazing out across the horizon.
"Hey, Sans." Came the faint reply.
"Any sign of the Dog yet?"
He grunted, shrugging a little. "Nothin'. Paps is really worried- you seen him? He thinks the pup ran away because of him. I've tried convincing him otherwise, I'm sure Tobes just decided to hang out somewhere else for a little while, y'know?"

A minute passed as the child thought.
"Have you checked the Underground? Maybe he was visiting some monsters that stayed behind."

Sans sighed again, lifting his face up just enough to prop his skull up on one arm.
"I did, actually. No sign of him there, either."
"...Sans.... Could he have..?"
"Nah, he's alive. I'd know if he's gone. I can't tell where he is, but he's fine. Just.. missin'." He studied the rim of the unbelievably bright sun- so bright even he couldn't really see it clearly- with a frown.

The conversation lapsed again. Frisk sighed.
"Endogeny is still missing. Do you think the disappearances are connected?"
"I dunno. Are they?" He glanced at the child for the first time with a hint of suspicion, the look quickly vanishing.

Frisk peered at him in confusion. "I don't understand? How would I know?"
He shrugged, a tired smile back in place as he shifted back onto the rail.
"Forget it, kiddo. Just.. lil' frustrated, is all. This has never happened before. I don't get why it's happnin' now."

It was quiet for a long minute, then Frisk scurried to the door, peering inside before closing it gently, muffling the click. The action intrigued Sans, who glanced back at the child before they faced him cautiously.
"Could it be something about the Multiverse?" They whispered.

He tensed, remembering the awful things he'd witnessed in reference to that hell.
"Why would this have anything to do with that?" He asked, deceptively calm.
Frisk hesitated, wringing their hands- a habit they'd picked up from Toriel.
"I don't know. I've just been thinking lately. We know there's a society of your alternates, so maybe there's one of.. dogs? Maybe?"

He relaxed a little- only a little- as he fell backwards to lean on the rail.
"I dunno. That seems like a bit of a stretch, doesn't it? When I left, only an hour passed for the rest of you while for me.. for me, it.." His eyelights went out as he remembered.
"..It doesn't make sense. Let's leave the past to the past, 'kay?"

"Okay. I didn't mean to bother you like that, I just thought-" "'Sokay. You're tryin'. More than I am, tibia honest." He chuckled drily. Frisk smiled a little, awkward as they realized they didn't know how to continue the conversation.

Sans huffed out a short breath, eyelights drifting over the eastern horizon, sun shining down on the back of his worn hoodie.
"Look, if nothing comes up in the next.. say, month, I'll try to look into that. As unlikely as it is, this is completely out of character for Toby and Endogeny. Okay, kid?"

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now