Magician Imprisoned

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((I'm starting to climb back out of the block! Merry late Christmas and hopefully 2022 will be better! Thank you everyone for your patience!))

"Water. He has been breathing water and told no one?!" Alter raged quietly, pacing around as Cross stood up from the figure in bed, water draining from their mouth in a spell. Dance stood in the corner silently, arms crossed.

The former queen whirled to face Cross, still bedecked in his glittering gold armor. "Well? Are you successful?"
"Of course. Took some tricky wording, but he should be breathing fine soon." The monochrome skeleton replied.

Alter slowly calmed. "Good. Good… I apologize, I behaved rudely."
"It's fine, you were worried. Anyone in your position would be." He nodded to Dance. "Especially with what you've dealt with in the past."
"..Feels like an attack on my choices, but okay." Dance muttered.

"I was just acknowledging what happened to you. It was honestly brave as hell?" It became a question as he regarded the violet clad one. Dance blinked. "You think so?"
"I doubt Red would even be so bold. Don't tell him I said that, he'd totally deny it."
Dance snorted as the tension in the room eased.

"Okay, but seriously? Let's make sure Geno doesn't find out about this. Guy's as bad as Error when set off, and this will guarantee pissing him off." Cross explained. "And for the record, I don't know how Error will react, but if he cares enough…"

"What? What will happen?" Dance questioned, worried. Cross mimicked an explosion. "Goodbye Aroughs."
"Goodbye? He'll destroy it?"
"Just a guess. He also might not. Geno could destroy it instead for all I know. Or I'm completely wrong. I don't know Geno as well as I probably should."
"You could have started with saying that. You had me panicking a little." Dance sighed.
"My bad."

"We should go." Alter murmured, heading for the door. "He should rest."
"And eat." Cross added under his breath as they headed for the door. "You'll cook him something, right?"

"You bring up a good point. I think I will cook for as many as I can, there are many injured-" "Alter, you are not doing this again. Relax. You gotta stop putting entire armies before yourself." Dance ordered. Alter was affronted as the door shut behind them.

"I am in perfect health, mind you! I am capable of healing those in need while attending to myself."
"No, you're not. You ignore yourself and helicopter around others until you drop. I'm here to remind you not to kill yourself. So hey, go read a book or something! You can help by conserving your energy."

"He's right." Cross spoke up before Alter could retort. "I used to do the same thing. Only stopped when I was passed out cold and the team was ambushed on a supply run. So please take his advice. Your productivity is much better when you're well rested and minding yourself."

The others blinked as he turned to leave. "You're a healer?" Dance asked. Cross paused. "Me and Nightmare both are. It's just.. his is so cold." He shuddered. "I know he can't help it, but it is weak and freezing."

"I never heard of healing magic that gives off such a sensation." Alter noted curiously. Cross shrugged, glancing down the hall.
"He's a God of Negativity, he can't help what he is."

Scratching his skull, he faced them again. "Sometimes it's good for numbing pain, though."
"Still. Weird." Dance stated.
"I guess so." Cross admitted, turning to walk down the hall. "I have to go though. One of the prisoners is a magician."
"Oh damn. Definitely go, can't have one of those loose."
He snorted, teleporting in a flash of purple and white while waving.

Dance faced Alter then. "Are you going to watch over After, then?"
He considered this. "I would prefer to cook something, at least."
The shorter relented. "I guess a little food will be okay." He said, turning to head down the other direction, Alter walking beside him.
"Let's find a kitchen, and not cook twenty pies."
"You wound me."
"I know you."
They both chuckled at their own banter.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now