Voices of Fire

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The elves congregated around the great Menoa Tree, excitement lighting their fair faces. They were brimming with joy, one didn't need to sense emotions to feel it.
With elegance and grace, Islanzadí appeared out of their midst and walked up a massive root, until it curved over their faces in a shelf. The Twins and Gods of Life and Death followed, appearing on either side of her with Error hanging on his strings above her, awaiting whatever came next.

She spoke.
"As is our custom, and as was agreed upon at the end of the Dragon War by Queen Tarmunora, the first Eragon, and the white dragon who represented his race- he whose name cannot be uttered in this or any other language- when they bound the fates of elves and dragons together, we have met to honor our blood-oath with song and dance and the fruits of our labor. Last this celebration occurred, many long years ago, our situation was desperate indeed. It has improved somewhat since, the result of our efforts, the dwarves', and the Varden's, though Alagaësia still lies under the black shadow of the Wyrdfell and we must still live with our shame of how we have failed the dragons."

She nodded at the dragons. "Of the Riders of eld, only Oromis and Glaedr remain. Brom and many others entered the void this past century. However, new hope has been granted to us in the form of Eragon, Saphira, the new races of magic, Dauthíblakka, Eldgath and Istalrfreohr, and it is only right and proper that they all should be here now, as we reaffirm the oath between our races three."

At Islanzadí's signal, the gathering parted like an ocean around the base of the tree, lanterns on poles being stuck into the earth round the circle as a band arranged themselves beside another root. Following Arya, the skeletons found themselves taking up a portion of the perimeter, surrounding the dragons as they stood around Arya and the Riders.
The five gods appeared at both ends of the line of skeletons, Error choosing to stand behind the Riders as the other four stood closer to the center of the gathering than everyone else. They felt the strange energy, and knew they were involved. They did not need to know how, for it was clear all would be revealed soon enough.

Oromis addressed his novices. "Watch you carefully, for this is of great importance to your heritage as Riders." His gaze lingered on Blue for a worrying moment.
The concern was clear.
It was still a debate on whether or not he belonged to the order.

When everyone was arranged, two elves departed from the rest, walking towards the center of the circle and standing, back to back. They were entirely identical save for their hair. One had sheet-white locks and the other a midnight black waterfall.
"The Caretakers, Iduna and Nëya." Oromis informed his students silently.
"Wyrda!" Crowed the white raven on Islanzadí's shoulder.

The pair of elves moved in synchrony, reaching up and undoing the clasps that held their brooches upon them, the clothes falling away to reveal their naked bodies. They wore nothing, but a single tattoo that stretched across both women. A dragon, each and every scale a different color as it's tail began on one's left ankle and twined around her leg, crossing the front of her abdomen and onto the other's back, curling around her side to end with it's head on her flat chest.
The gods present all gave faint reactions, each one recognizing the creature.

Blue's living statuette let out an inarticulate cry as if greeting it.
That was the first vocal sound it had made..
And apparently the last.

It went still and lifeless, eyelights fading as Blue stared at it with an unreadable expression.
He placed it in his inventory as the Caretakers wrapped their arms around each other, so that the dragon upon their skin could appear whole.
Then both raised one of their feet, and slammed it back on the ground with a soft thump.
And again.

The third time, the drums were struck in tune. The fourth, harpists joined in as well. The next thump and the flutes began playing a strange melody. The maidens began to dance, twisting their bodies so it was not just they who moved, but the dragon upon them. They spun in circles, moving faster and faster as the dragon went round and round.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now