Fire Speaks

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"Hello, Roran."
A smooth, melodical feminine voice emanated from the bird of fire.
Roran was reeling.
"What are you?" He questioned, surprised at how steady his voice was.

The voice lilted a little in response, as though in humor. "I'm fire incarnate, of course."
Roran blinked, confused.
The bird approached him carefully, with elegant stork-like steps and paused just in front of his campfire. He'd raised his rock defensively.

It shifted it's wings like it was holding hands up in surrender. "Calm down, Roran. I'm not here to hurt you. Or anyone in Carvahall."
He lowered his excuse for a weapon. "What do you want?"
"To help you, of course."
He glared skeptically.
"Why would you, a creature so far from human, bother with one like me? What do you get out of it?"

She ruffled her wings. "Well now that's just hurtful." She complained, clacking her beak loudly. "Just because I'm powerful and different doesn't mean I don't care for those not like me. After all, things would be really miserable if humans like you were killed off by.. things like Galbatorix. I'm advocating to remove that mad king from his throne!" Her eyes seemed to say she was smiling.

"And since I see fates, I'm aware that you-" she lifted one talon off the ground to point a claw of flame at him- "are going to change the fate of Alagaësia." She finished. Roran scoffed, holding in his laughter so as not to offend this powerful entity. "Me? A lowly human without even a home to call his own and hunted by the Empire? You'll have better luck with an elf."

"Aye, you may think so now, but your strong and courageous heart of Determination is powerful enough to move mountains. You're only just beginning to unlock it's power. You are driven by love, the most powerful of motivators. I'd go on, but we're actually on a time limit right now and I need to get to the point."
Roran narrowed his eyes. "Time be blasted, I have a question."

She blinked, looking impressed. "Go on." She waved a wing to the side as a gesture. Roran crossed his arms. "Did you burn Carvahall's hay barn?"
She tilted her head. "I didn't start it, but it summoned me. As I knew it would. We were going to meet inevitably, so I wanted to warn you of what I can and do what I can to help you in your endeavors. Does that answer your question?"

Roran dared to glance behind him at his beloved village. "Well enough." He responded cautiously.
The strange one slapped her wings together like she was clapping. "Good! Forewarning, however. Most of what I can give you is vague, which probably irritates me almost as much as it irks you. Do you accept this?"
He ground his teeth and glared at the dirt as he considered that.
Then Roran squared his shoulders and looked the great bird in the blue blazing eyes.
"I accept."

She sighed in relief. "Thank you. I don't want someone innocent hurt." Her eyes then flashed as she seemed to stare into the depths of his soul.
"On your first battle with the enemy you will discover an innocent captive. Show them kindness, and they will join you. They have suffered since they had been captured and will fight alongside you to protect innocence, to protect children and the helpless. Do not fear them because they are of Magic, for they are from another world with very different rules. If you save them, you will gain a powerful ally. Save them, and more will join you, for the tales of magical creatures akin to elves is true. They are called skeletons."
She spoke with finality.

Roran eyed the great bird suspiciously. "That rumor? You believe it? And skeletons? That's absurd."
She huffed. "Well if you don't believe me now, then I suppose we'll have to wait and see, eh?" She cocked her head at him, feathers of flame curling up at her neck.

"What sort of creature are you?" Roran couldn't help but ask.
"Well, I'm proof that skeletons exist in many ways you wouldn't understand.." she began sarcastically. "But truthfully, I already told you. I am fire incarnate. I am flame given form and conciousness. In this world, I can be called Arucane."
"Your name is Arucane?"
"One of them, yes."

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن