To Know the Truth of Selves

205 13 130

((There is singing in this chapter. Yes. I said that. Good vibes only.))

The air whooshed as they appeared above the island, Saphira snorting as she found her bearings, Eragon coughing as the smoke then washed over him. GB wobbled, dropping a little before turning sharply, spiraling once and gliding downward.
I'm good. I got it. Still awake. He announced, shaking his skull.
"Good, that." Blue muttered, staring at the blackened swathe of devastation left behind by Reaper from before.

He kept glancing around, noticing a peculiar spot on another mountain where trees had been flattened outward, as if by some kind of blast.
Furthermore, a strange new weight seemed to have settled over the lonely place, as if something was watching them as they flew into the valley.
It was a somewhat eerie feeling, like there were eyes everywhere and they were intruders.

They landed in a grassy field, massive jagged boulders sticking out here and there, the remains of blown apart buildings. Blue quickly dismounted, GB prowling the perimeter as Saphira hummed, forelegs crossed as Eragon worked himself free.
"Do you want Draco to see this place, GB?"

The skeleblaster's skull shot up, staring at him.
Yes. Absolutely.
Blue chuckled. "It will have to wait for nightfall." He reminded.
GB groaned, sweeping around. Torment me, why don't you.
"I didn't want you trying to fetch him prematurely!"
"It's true!"

GB grumbled, shaking himself as he turned to regard the tremendous mound of masonry beside a massive stone foundation, sockets slowly widening at the sheer size of it.
As everyone began to look at it, Glaedr spoke up with great melancholy.
There lies the Great Library. He said. Or what remains after Galbatorix plundered it.

Not long after, Eragon excitedly pointed through a grove of apple trees, indicating a massive, jagged spire littered with junipers and moss.
"Is that it? Is that the Rock of Kuthian?"
After a pause as both Oromis and Glaedr pondered it in faint recognition, the human darted across the field, finding a path and racing over.

The others followed quickly behind, GB once again scooping Blue up with little more than an exasperated sigh on his part, arms crossed as the skeleblaster bounded excitedly after Eragon, ducking under Saphira's half raised wings.

When they emerged from the gnarled trees, they stood in a clearing, unkempt thistles, raspberries and roses scattered about. Three benches of stone stood near the edges of the space, a willow tree whose trunk was grown into a lattice, now overgrown to the point of uselessness.

Blue cast about for anyone watching them, Eragon firing off spells to detect traps before GB clacked his jaws loudly. They all blinked at him, seeing that he was staring upwards. They followed his gaze to the tip of the spire where something blue and white was settled on top.

Squinted, Blue abruptly recognized what it was.
Abyss was watching them. Silently. It was somewhat unnerving how still the small one was up there, but it looked to be that he was a skeleton again.

Without a sound, Abyss stood, then dropped off the edge, plummeting towards the ground. The group watched without a word. When he was a dozen feet above them, his wings erupted out and suddenly he was simply floating, wings out on either side and shifting as though underwater. Abyss drifted down and elegantly alighted in the middle of the clearing. His eyelights were pale, staring through them as if he could see every single part of them.

"Are you alright?" Blue spoke first. Abyss blinked absently at him, then recoiled and blinked again, pressing a hand to his face, wincing.
"I'm not sure, tibia honest." He admitted, looking back up. "I just keep.. switching? I guess?"

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora