New Hope

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((Man, Lust is an angsty boi.))

He wasn't sure how long the gathered crowd had been waiting when he arrived, but GB took a look around at the many humans and turned right around, walking around a tent. Blue had sighed, but continued on to address the only skeletons there as to the reason behind it.
Both of them were quickly jarred by the abrupt scream sounding from the tent everyone gathered around, Alter standing straight and marching over to address Blue before he decided to throw himself inside out of concern.

Soon enough, GB walked out on four legs, moving to sit beside the utterly still Saphira.
What's going on? He quested nervously, still unsettled by that piercing wail.
Elain is in labor. I believe it is a daughter. She answered simply.

Humans scream that much? He shuddered, bones faintly rattling.
Yes. Came the curt reply.
Seeing that she clearly wasn't in the mood for conversation, GB settled down with all his legs tucked beneath him, choosing to stare at the tent and shiver at the smell of pungent blood.

He had never before witnessed a human birth, and he was quickly finding that such events were rather eerie to see. So many men standing and sitting around, not a word spoken, nothing to break the silence save for the woman's broken screams. The air was heavy with the smell, occasionally wafting out every time someone stepped in or out of the tent.
He had one word for it: Haunting.

GB was quiet in his observation, looking on as Blue decided to help hand out baked goods either of his make or given to him by Alter, the queen helping clean and imbue the rags with healing magic as they ran through them. There was always more blood. How was there so much blood..

After some time of listening to the periodic howls of pain, GB found himself falling asleep despite it. His sockets.. slowly.. slid shut.

. • ° ° • .

Blue stiffened when the small, wobbling cry rang out from the tent, familiar in the most primal of ways. He knew what that cry meant, and given the roar that erupted from the gathered crowd, they knew just as well as he did.

The loud cheers clearly jolted GB awake from across the small clearing of tents, stumbling to his feet and shaking his skull as Saphira remained in her sigil.

Blue then felt dread at the wailing, the cheers quickly dying as everyone else heard them. Nearly a dozen voices, all keening in loss.
In moments, he saw Arya step out of the tent and bolt towards Eragon, slowing down only paces away.

It took him a moment to realize Alter was already there, having raced over as well.
"What's happened?!" One of the boys beside the human Rider practically shouted at her, reaching out only for her to spin and twist his arm around.

Blue found himself walking over even as she pushed the young man into the crowd and walked away, Alter reassuring them that the child will be alright. Blue was then close enough to catch Eragon's question of the elf.
She faced the boy with reddened eyes.
"The child is healthy, but she was born with a cat lip. You have to heal her, Eragon."

He was bewildered, thinking back on his lessons of anatomy in an attempt to understand what such a thing was.
A voice weighed in on his thoughts.
It is a deformity in the upper lip and palate, forming a gap where there should be none.

Blue coughed into his hand as images played in his mind. I have to help him! He realized, the thought augmented by the yearning deity.
It is not our place. Oromis explained with a hint of melancholy. Arya would not have insisted Eragon complete this task otherwise. The village trusts Eragon. They do not trust our kinds.

He was about to argue when GB contacted him.
Blue- oh shi- Master Oromis. He stumbled mentally upon sensing the elder.
Ask your question, little one. Spoke the great, sonorous voice of the gold dragon.
Now shy, GB hesitantly went on.
I fell asleep when I shouldn't have, and I uh, don't know what's going on.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now