Nightmare's return, and the Reveal

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Nightmare was with the rest of the Wyrdaí Islingrya. He had explained his 'death'. They were stunned into silence.
Then Blue asked. "Why are you glowing like that?"

He stared at his hand curiously. "I'm not sure. Normally it lasts for about thirty minutes, not hours like this. I presume it's an effect of Alagaësia. I don't believe it's permanent; that would certainly annoy me if it were."

Killer shrugged as GB shifted in place, speaking in Wingdings. "Can you control it at all? I heard Dream was capable of glowing at will, though I never saw it."
Nightmare scowled as Blue answered. "Dream can. He does it when he's stressed out or helping someone calm down. I think it's a side effect of radiating positivity?"

The Guardian of Negativity snorted. "Yes, the abilities are tied into each other. As for control, I'm not as proficient as Dream. I don't even know why I have the ability. It's a Light ability, and I can already manipulate shadow to my will."

Cross leaned forward after a pause. "So you have lighter abilities like Dream? Could that mean Dream has a few darker powers that he doesn't use?"
The team considered this in surprise. Nightmare nodded.
"In a way, yes. How do you think Dream vanishes when there is shade around? He can disappear into weak shadows. Though if he tries darker ones, he will stick out like a bright, yellowish light. A sore thumb. But otherwise, it's possible both of us do have similar powers that we are not even aware of, given our preferences to our main element."

"That's… actually really fascinating." Geno muttered to himself as Error steepled his phalanges. The glitch pointed his hands at the silvery skeleton.

"Why wouldn't you look for your other abilities? You could've used them to your advantage. You technically still can. It would be unpredictable if you used a power opposite of your normal skillset. Advantageous, y'know. In the battle of Farthen Dûr, the enemies all saw you fighting with your natural abilities in your typical Corrupted form. And given there were monsters from the Multiverse there, they've probably reported to Galbatorix everything they know about you. All of us. So you could potentially catch them off guard with an unfamiliar attack. You see what I'm saying?"

Several sockets widened as they realized what Error was suggesting. Nightmare pondered the possibility.
"Would you even do that..?" Dust asked quietly as the rest stared incredulously. The King of Negativity rubbed his jawbone. "I'll admit that it's an intriguing idea." He started, folding his hands on his lap.
"But you know my aversion to light and positivity." He sighed patiently.

Error glared at him pointedly. "I have an aversion to crowds and people. Do you see me birching?" He asked severely, ignoring Fresh's flawless censor. Nightmare scowled, knowing he couldn't really argue with that.
"I'm not at all diplomatic, yet I'm sticking with the Varden because one of us needs to stay here, and it's not you." The glitch continued.

Nightmare scoffed, waving irritably. "Fine, fine. I'll look into it, no need to harass me." He gave in, knowing how impossible it was to argue with the glitch when he knew he was right. Error smiled victoriously, having won.

"Since we're on the topic, do you know any other lighter magics you have?" Killer asked curiously, spinning a blade on his phalange by the tip. Nightmare shrugged. "That I'm aware of? Nothing. Though it is possible that something exists."
"So you don't know?" Dust questioned.
"I don't."

Now engaged and curious, Red leaned forward. "I have an idea."
They all regarded him. "What?" Error asked bluntly. The edgy skeleton picked his teeth with a bone attack as he smirked.
"I gotta question for new Boss and Blue." He waved the bone at them as he mentioned the names.
"What's something Dream can do when he's mad?"

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