To Choose in a World With Destiny

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He was gliding over the hundreds of familiar and yet not faces below, many looking up to behold the skeleton atop a skeletal dragon. Few would notice the young passenger behind the Rider.

"Do you see anyone?" The faintly wobbly voice asked.
"No, Chara. I'm afraid not. I may have to take a moment to search less.. superficially than this if we cannot find them." He explained gently through the wind.

"How do you do that? Can you teach me?" They bounced in place a little in the seat, full of curiosity and nervous energy.
We're not sure if you can do it. GB admitted, tilting his skull enough to regard them.
No one's had the chance to find out if our humans- you- can actually expand their magic in the same way.

"Which isn't to say you can't do things. Plenty of those who wield magic here struggle with the same skill. There is still plenty more you can do, Chara!"
Chara didn't respond to that, only gasping and pointing. "Is that Glitch Pa??"

Both skeleton and skeleblaster blinked, seeing a certain towering skeleton hiding entering a hastily erected tent.
"Well I'll be. That is Error! I do wonder what he's doing here, I thought he wanted to be alone."
"Can we see him can we see him?! I missed ErrPapa!!" They bounced.
Blue shared a thought with GB before huffing.
"Well.. I suppose we could visit for a few minutes. Though perhaps you'll have to call him ErrMama now." He chuckled as they dipped closer to the ground.

"What do you mean?" Chara asked, throwing their arms around him in surprise as GB landed heavily outside the tent. Blue bent to unbuckle himself as the flap moved aside to reveal Chaos blinking at them.
"Oh hi, Blue!" She waved frantically. Chara stared, not recognizing her.
"Oohh! Hi Choccy!" She waved harder.
"Um." Chara looked up at Blue in desperate confusion and he chuckled. "Chaos is a little different now."

Chara now gasped in disbelief, scrambling to escape the buckles themselves. "You're big! Human sized! What happened to kitty Temmie??"
"I don't know but I give better hugs! Hug??" She offered, stepping out of the tent with grabby hands.

Blue helped the human down and they ran forward, crashing into Chaos's embrace with a huge grin.
"And you're fluffy!!"
"I am fluffy! My arms look like Daddy too, look, look!" She gestured excitedly, falling into a seat with the child in her lap as she showed off her multicolored arms.

"Oh! Is Glitch Pa okay? Everyone missed him! Frisk was sooo mad! A lot of other me's were super angry!"
"I bet they were! Don't worry, Daddy's okay! Mostly. Um. There's a human in there that's gone a little funny." She whispered loudly as Blue strode over, GB close behind.

"Are they bad?" Choccy asked in an equally loud stage whisper.
"Not really, she's just mean sometimes. But she's been weird." She glanced up at Blue in confusion, the question in her red eyes clear.
"Who?" He asked despite the shocked recognition in the back of his mind. Unity knew.
"Um. Elva." Her voice fell further.

"I see." He murmured, remembering when he last saw her. Thrashing, surrounded in teal and purple, eyes fluttering behind their lids as she seized and flickering with white light. Unity had both recognized the unstable flashes of energy arcing from her then and yet didn't. Even now, he could see them inside the tent, no longer frantic, but occasionally spazzing about as they curled around the figures inside. Admittedly, there was something familiar about the way they shrouded everything in the tent and spread outward, but Blue couldn't quite place it.

"Stay here a moment, will you?" He asked Chaos and his Chara, reaching for the flap.
"Oki!" The Temmie chirped, arms folded around the human in her lap.
The sight that greeted him inside was jarring.

Error was standing silently, glaring at a glowing shape above a cot in the middle of the dark, chilled room. Fresh was curled atop one of his shoulders, hanging back in uncertainty. Blue finally gasped when he recognized the luminous shape.
A Soul, like that of one from the Multiverse- except it wasn't right. It was round, violet and swathed in silvers that flickered teal here and there. Too round, too.. misshapen. The power it exuded didn't match any human Soul he'd seen before.

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