Indifferent Insanity

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"We have an observer." Destiny explained calmly as they all peered over.
Sure enough, on the mostly empty sidewalk below stood.. another Sans. Which at this point, wasn't surprising anymore. This one had what appeared to be horns broken into his skull, the resulting cracks radiating out and onto the lids of his sockets, both eyelights a maddening swirl. He was otherwise wearing a rather familiar attire, peering up at them with a slightly too-wide smile, skull cocked to the side.

As they all peered down at the stranger, he waved excitedly, almost childlike before he started walking forward again, never looking away from them.

"... He's actually kind of creepy." Flowey quietly admitted. "Who is that one?"
".. I've seen him on the MVTV before, but I can't place the name.." Outer muttered, concentrating.
"Shockingly enough, I don't recall either." Black added, frowning. Razz nodded. "I remember it was In something. Odd. Nevertheless, he's not our problem."
TK giggled quietly at that, grinning.
"What?" Flowey asked, irritated.

"I like your blue vine." A frighteningly close by voice spoke from beside Frisk, startling the entire group into splitting up and backing away from the intruder, TK and Destiny remaining.

"HOLY CRAP-" Undyne yelped, standing in front of Alphys with her other hand on the frightened Frisk's shoulder.
"How did you get there so fast?!"

The newcomer chuckled chaotically, waving. "Oh, you know! The usual! So, about that vine!" His swirling eyelights zeroed in on Flowey. "I want it."

Flowey stated at him, bewildered for a long moment before Destiny drifted closer to the stranger, then blurted. "Then take it! I hate this thing, it's tight!"
"That will not be necessary." Destiny spoke, getting in-between them.

"Hehehehehe, I don't think you understand. I want it." His smile abruptly fell, swirls turning red. Destiny didn't react, taking another long moment to reply.
"I understand your choices. I would find no trouble to gift you the same I granted him."
He tilted his skull to the side, considering this with his continuous smile.

Then he abruptly perked up, grinning wider with an oddly over-enthusiastic tone.
"Okay! I'm down for that!"
With that, he skipped over, giggling with clear madness as he stood much too close to the possessed skeleton.

Everyone was silent as the blue light coalesced into a vine, stretching towards the unsettling stranger. Destiny was calm, as usual, but everyone else was tense, entirely unnerved by the mysterious, clearly crazy alternate that had likely been planning on killing for something he wanted to keep.

As soon as the vine was in his hands, the stranger bounced in place. "Will this grow if I plant it, too?"
"Should you choose it too."
"Perfect! This will look great with the echo flowers!"
He turned to skip away, then suddenly froze in place.

The group tensed, ready for a random attack as he slowly turned with that creepy smile, swirls dancing between their faces for a long, quiet moment.

Then it dropped and he was back to acting "friendly" as he waved. "I forgot to introduce myself! Call me Insans!" He giggled abruptly before adding. "Because I'm maybe probably insane, hah!"
With that, instead of leaving, he faced all the way towards them again. "Your turn!"

"Uh. I'm Outer." Said skeleton began, chuckling nervously.
"Time Kid, just call me TK!" Called the cheery, relaxed child.
"Epic, bruh." Came the third, entirely unafraid.
"Ya look like a friend of a friend, bruh."
Insans twitched to study Epic as Razz cleared his throat and straightened.
"I'm Raspberry."
"Blackberry. The others with us don't yet have names decided. We were attempting to introduce them to the Multiverse, but it has been.. complicated."

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