Four Becomes Two, Many Becomes One

176 15 146

((Utter insanity that is almost 10,000 words long. It's literally 9,752 words.)

It was still dark outside as the Varden assembled outside the city. They were going to attempt an ambush, but who knows how much sleep anyone was getting with the echoes of horrible screams and impossibly loud roars ringing throughout half the night?
If anything, then at least the distant battle of gods helped cover up the sound of their approach.

Even now, in the darkness they could be seen on the horizon, mountainous shapes writhing in a slow dance, bright, nearly cyan lines of one's underbelly starkly visible- as were the glowing streams of blue and red blood of the two gods. It was a haunting visage.

The columns of warriors had split into three factions, one heading for the hill to take the upper wall, and two targeting different sides. Behind the army crawled a handful of large, faintly glowing creatures. Only hours before had they been monsters, the largest of which being a dragonish beast of hard, goldenrod scales with a mat of thick blue fur along its neck, enormous serpentine belly scales a burnt orange.

The reptile had more hardened plates- though red- along it's back and down its spiny face. It was larger than even GB, with a thin, tattered red scarf tied around the base of it's neck. It was once a skeleton by the name of Dust.

Yet striding behind the horse-riding elves heading for the upper wall was a centurion creature, pointing a delicate, fox-like snout towards Urû-baen nervously, the thick fur of their neck a soft lilac, large, pointed ears and topside a rich orchid hue. The centurion carried an elegant poleaxe in mauve, birdlike hands, the length of the weapon largely white like bone. It's lower half was feline with enormous paws and shaggy hair, largely heather in color.

A long, fluffy tail swung low to the ground behind them and their upper half was clothed in an unmistakable purple robe.
This was formerly a queen known as Alter, though the distinct glint in it's amethyst eyes revealed that he was still himself despite how different he had become.

And towering behind a row of dwarves sauntered a bear of ridiculous proportions, standing as tall as a Kull on all fours with curved, garnet red horns guarding the sides of its face. Its body was wreathed in long hair consisting of various greens, with a long tail ending in a strange yet unmistakable venomous bone claw. Its glowing eyes were emerald green, the bear keeping close to a dragon-sized avian-esque creature with four wings.

Behind the last column of soldiers were two mammalians with qualities of fish concentrated on their back ends. The first of which appeared mostly as a badger that stood with shoulders level to a horse's, darker fur colored a dull dijon yellow as it's pale stripes and underside were a marginally brighter butterscotch. The tail lengthened into the semblance of a fish, ending in a sharp tip like a stingray and yellowed as medallion, fins closer to honey. It's eyes blazed with all the colors of the rainbow, prowling along beside the horses. It's eyes were the only hint left that this creature had once been Color, that and the prismatic line going down it's chest both.

Yet lastly, a far more inquisitive creature scurried along. It was just a hint smaller than the badger-fish, scrambling ahead and pausing every once in a while to wring its clawed hands- both in apprehension and fascination. It had the head and arms of a squirrel with the body and legs of an otter, tail and neck lined with fins of some unknown fish. Its fur was navy blue, fins as yellow as butter and daffodils. Its fur was speckled with white, eyes equally colorless.

And yet back at the camp, seven others remained, watching in silence. A glittering blue dragon, human Rider, two skeletal dragons and a skeleton Rider and a hippogriff of all things, colored in reds with hints of gold, head like that of a peacock instead of a hawk, wings like that of a swan. It's carmine eyes glared at the walled city, wings half raised in preparation to fly.

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