Igualda Falls

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Alter sped around the gathered villagers, helping organize their departure. Not knowing what else to do, Dance was busy entertaining the children, teaching some a few moves he had, spinning, cartwheels, backflips, and more. Mostly things that could help in battle, though he doubted they had the strength and stamina to use them to the extent he could.

Roran eventually arrived, taking charge of the mess, much to Alter's relief. He joined the human's side in the efforts, doing what they could to manage the various delays.

Alter was discussing with Thane how he could help with setting up camp, as well as Dance, with their power. They could greatly improve their safety using their magics. He was interrupted by a distant, furious shout.
Turning, Alter glanced through the crowd until he spotted Sloan aggressively yanking at Katrina, Roran throwing himself at the butcher.
"Oh.. Stars, he's in love with the girl." He muttered under his breath as he took off in their direction, Dance having already teleported over.

He arrived as Sloan began cursing out Roran.
"You two-faced coward! How could you look me in the eye and speak to me like an honest man while, at the same time, courting my daughter without permission?! I dealt with you in good faith, and here I find you plundering my house while my back is turned!"
"I had hoped to do this properly, but events have conspired against me." Roran replied huskily. "It was never my intention to cause you grief. Even though this hasn't gone the way either of us wanted, I still want your blessing, if you are willing."
"I would rather have a maggot-riddled pig for a son than you! You have no farm. You have no family. And you will have naught to do with my daughter!" He spewed obscenities again. "And she'll have nothing to do with the Spine!"

He made to snatch at Katrina again, but Roran blocked him, both men shaking with tumultuous emotions.
"Sloan." Alter began to reason. "You're overreacting. Your anger is justifiable, but we can handle this situation calmly, like civilized people."
He ignored Alter. "Katrina, come here."
Roran backed away so they formed a triangle, forcing Katrina into an ultimatum. She was crying already. She shuffled forward, pausing to let out a wail and rip at her hair.
"Katrina!" Sloan barked fearfully.
"Katrina." Roran whispered softly.

She froze at her lover's voice, standing stiffly as her face went blank.
"I'm sorry, Father, but I have decided to marry Roran." She joined him, strangely calm.
Sloan paled till he was the color of a skeleton, an unnatural color on a human's skin. He bit his trembling lip, drawing blood. Then he exploded.

"You can't leave me! You're my daughter!" He came at her like an animal, forcing an alarmed shout from Alter as Roran roared like a bear, punching Sloan with undue strength, sending the butcher sliding across the dirt two feet. In front of everyone. Alter put his hand to his teeth, dismayed.

Sloan crawled to his feet, more a rabid animal than man as his face and neck turned the color of tomatoes. Looking at Katrina, he slumped over, losing his will to fight. Then he whispered.
"It is always so; those closest to the heart cause the most pain. Thou will have no dowry from me, snake, nor your mother's inheritance." Tears streamed down his face as he raced away. Alter choked at the words, mortified. Katrina clung onto Roran as he gripped her back while the village crowded around and made their comments.

Alter was at a loss for what to do when Elain came up and drew Katrina into her arms. "Oh, you poor dear!" She rocked her back and forth for a moment, then asked. "Is it true you are engaged?" Katrina noded with a smile, then exploded into wracking sobs against the mother's shoulder. Alter sobbed himself, wrapping his long arms around the two women tearfully. Elain could do nothing to soothe poor Katrina's cries, eventually turning to speak with Roran, a slightly difficult action as Alter had draped himself over the pair.
"I'm taking her back to the house."
"I'll come."
"No, you won't. She needs time to calm down, and you have work to do. Do you want my advice?" Alter grimaced, tears wetting Katrina's hair as he rested his skull atop her head and petted it, listening to Elain.
"Stay away until evening. I guarantee that she will be right as rain by then. She can join the others tomorrow."

She abruptly tugged out of Alter's grip, who whimpered. "May I come with? I want to help; she has just been through trauma.." Elain hesitated, glancing around before sighing. "Fine, you may." She relented, aware of Alter's motherly nature.
They both walked away, Dance standing there beside Roran, unsure of what to do.

In spite of the delay, the caravan started up the trail, Dance keeping an eyesocket on Roran due to his injury, one he pretended not to have around the skeletons.
He eventually confronted him midway up the mountain, having an argument with Roran that he had more than enough energy to spare for healing his leg, in which Roran caved, still shaken by earlier events.

Dance was also there when they arrived, helping the weaker ones into the camp they'd begun setting up and later helping the men move the trees into position around it as they were cut down.
While everyone wrapped things up, Dance busied himself with teaching the kids more dance moves and entertaining them with the ones they could never hope to do themselves.

When it came time to leave, he grinned kindly at the children before waving goodbye, following the other men back down the mountain as everyone left behind stared through the gaps in the felled trees. It was remarkably disheartening.

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