Elven Atheism

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((I've written to the point of the end of the second book in Inheritance Cycle, so I'm going to give an extra special treat for you guys since I never posted yesterday anyway! OH- by the way, the coming battle shall be LEGENDARY!))

"..extract a sphere of water from the stream, using only the energy you can glean from the forest around you." Oromis ordered Blue.
"Yes Master Oromis." Blue nodded before unsteadily spreading outward, taking in the thousands of minds throughout the wood nearby, only to hesitate.
"Master Oromis?" He asked.
"Yes, Eldgath?"
"Wouldn't taking energy from weaker forms of life for this spell kill them?"

A rare smile graced the elf's features. "An accurate assessment. Yes, unfortunately it would indeed drain their vitality to the point of no return."
Blue stared at the water for a moment before speaking again.
"Then why, Master Oromis, did you not tell me before I could have hurt them?"
Now his teacher's face fell. "Because for novices such as yourself, it would be necessary to understand the depth of the consequences of what I am trying to teach you. For when you dwell in another's mind as they die, you feel yourself fade to the darkness as well. As appalling as what I am suggesting may sound, it is required for young Riders to understand."
"But I already know this…." Blue whispered. "Even the dying part- that is how Horror hunted, he took his victims' energy until they died."

Oromis have him an intense stare for a moment. "Are you sure?"
Blue nodded. "It became a ritualistic habit after some time? I…." He shook his skull. "At first it was how he survived in his starving AU, it stemmed from him eating Souls due to how that somehow prevented the body from dusting. I don't have many details, it was a rather brief conversation each time the topic was brought up. And it only arose because it's been discovered that the Souls are still alive- just within him."
The elf Rider nodded quietly as he listened, slowly lacing his fingers together as he thought to himself.

"This does prove some theories. However, it is also a danger in it's own right, as it is multiple consciousnesses in one body."
"That's dangerous?"
"Indeed. How can one function with several minds with independent desires, thoughts, and opposing actions and views? What solution has he found to such a predicament?"
"They take spirit forms if they want to do anything, Master Oromis. I've seen them, though I understand not many can due to their lack of physical form. That, and if I understand correctly, they have some sort of home in his mind? A world created in his consciousness where they roam freely. I only heard of it from one of his spirits, too."

Oromis sat for several minutes, contemplating this information as Blue waited. Then he reanimated and spoke. "No matter. This discussion shall be continued later. Now, this lesson is still unfinished. Raise a sphere of water from the stream using the energy around you."
"I…. Yes, Master Oromis."
He did the same as he had done before the conversation began, except he selected only beings that had enough energy to withstand a drop such as this.

He tensely lifted the orb into the air, watching the light refract within it, bits of plants and whatnot drifting inside.
Then he flinched violently as a squirrel collapsed on its branch, sliding off as it fell to the ground.
"Fu- I- I thought- fuck." He dropped the sphere and clutched his shirt as he felt the squirrel die. "I thought it- thought it could- t-take i-it." He stuttered, staring with wide sockets at the riverbed.
"You understand now, how much weaker other lives are to us." Oromis spoke mournfully.
"You knew." Blue whispered. "You knew I would mess up."
"I did."

Skeleton sniffed as he wiped his tears, elf watching sadly.
"I was trying not to hurt them!"
"Yes. And you did a remarkable job for your very first attempt."
"I have to do it again?!"
"Yes. But with no cost of life. With discipline, you can select only plants and animals that can withstand the loss. Though impractical in battle, you may still join Eragon in drawing energy from your surroundings in your lessons." The elf waved him over to help him to the hut. Blue took his hand and walked his teacher to the hut.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now