A Wedding

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The marriage was back on.
Despite what had happened earlier, it was still happening. A release of stress after the build-up of war.
And it was beautiful.

It was taking place on a low hill covered in yellow wildflowers, the surrounding area a rich meadow filled with the scent of ozone, the Jiet River flowing just a hundred feet away. The sun bathed the area in an almost unreal light, the sky free of a single cloud as they all gathered for the special occasion.

Just in front of the hill stood the village of Carvahall, all free of injury from the fighting earlier that day. Behind them was a gathering of what must have been half of the Varden, many soldiers bearing spears decorated with banners of all colors. A bunch of horses stood picketed at the far end, and at the very base of the hill stood everyone of importance. Nasuada, Arya, Narheim, Angela, Elva, the Firelady and around them members of the Wyrdaí Islingrya. Orrin could not make it due to his injuries being more serious than at first thought.

But even so, Cicállaé had managed to bring themselves here, insisting on appearing even when advised not to. The merged god stood shakily behind Arya, leaves returning to their former golden hues but having yet to regain their former luster, all drooping from above as the main branches stood mostly immobile since the accident- though at least they were speaking again.

Hovering close by was Nightmare's entire team, Gaster joining them purely because he wanted to be close to what was technically all his sons- he understood this fully after chatting with Error and was thus all the more Determined to stick by their sides.

Around all of them stood the others, generally nearby their own factions as they awaited the moment. Out of the races present, only two Urgals were there, both part of Nasuada's guard as the rest had not been inclined on joining- nor had the pair among the guard, but they had managed to be convinced to remain.

At the top of the hill stood a somewhat nervous Eragon, behind yet to the side of the hill standing GB, the skeleblaster confused about why he had to be so close to center of attention while Blue sat in his saddle. Saphira finally arrived, taking her place at Eragon's other side as Endogeny leapt from her backside, having ridden with her for some strange reason.

When she was situated, the gathered ranks parted down the middle, forming a long walkway for the special couple to traverse. At this, the villagers burst into song. They were singing of life in their valley, the seasons, how the crops grew from the barren soils of winter into summer, the miracles of the animals in spring, the robins of the trees and the fish of the rivers, the destiny of the young to replace the old. At first, a she-elf of silver hair brought out a small harp and added notes to the timber of the chorus, then Killer got excited and pulled his ukulele from his inventory and joined the tune, giving the scene a strange quality with the notes as Error stared at him, phalanges twitching.

Then the pair finally walked out from the two sides of the crowd, smiling at one another as they turned to walk up the path. Roran was dressed primly in a tunic he clearly borrowed- though redundant in the situation- with his beard trim, hair brushed, and boots looking like someone had just given them a shine. Behind him trailed Horst.

Meanwhile, Katrina was clothed in a bright blue dress- it practically glowed- a simple appearance yet with a lace train over twenty feet in length, requiring two girls to carry. Her luscious copper colored hair was free to fall whichever way it wanted, gleaming in the sunlight. She carried a bundle of wildflowers in her hands.
A few women among the villagers gasped at the sight. Behind her walked Birgit.

When they were halfway to the hill, two white doves burst from the canopy, carrying a circlet of daffodils between each other. Katrina slowed to a halt when they flew at her. The birds circled her thrice, then swooped down and rested the flowers upon her head, darting off back to the river as their task was finished.
Eragon bent over to whisper to Arya. The elf only smiled.

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