Approaching Event Horizon

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(( :) ))

"I am sorry, Sans, but I am struggling to believe all of this." Toriel apologized regretfully, paws in her lap. She was visibly concerned and tired, still mostly dressed in her work clothes. Sans winced, leaning back on the couch.
"I know it's a lot." He sighed, lacing his phalanges together behind his skull. "Is there anything I can do to prove it to you?"
He only asked because he was afraid too much at once would terrify her.

She paused, pondering how to answer.
"Well.. how exactly would you travel between these universes?" She suggested.
He waved idly. "It's like creating a wormhole. You understand how a wormhole connects two points together, right?"
"..I believe I do."
"Well, the usual allegory is it's like folding a paper and punching a hole through it. However, in this case, you're tugging part of a completely separate sheet of paper over and poking through both. Does that make any sense?"
"...I am not sure."
Sans hesitated at that. "Well.. I'm not sure how else to explain it."

"I apologize, I do not think I was clear. I don't believe I understand how this is done. Is it this.. Destiny that helps you create these holes?" She asked. Sans just shrugged, giving a simple answer. "Yeah."

That made him think.
𝘞ɦ𝘺 ⅾo 𝘺oս ɦᥱІ𝗉 mᥱ 𝗋ᥱɑІІ𝘺? He silently asked.
I αɱ α Ⴆҽιɳɠ σϝ ƈԋσιƈҽ. Iƚ ιʂ ɯԋαƚ I αɱ. Yσυ ƈԋσʂҽ ƚσ ԋσʂƚ ɱҽ.... I αɱ ɠɾαƚҽϝυʅ.
"I guess it's a mutual symbiosis?" He finally offered. "Though how I'm helping her out is a lot harder to grasp. It makes sense, she's like some kind of fourth-dimensional entity lacking a physical body like we do. Like a really big, powerful ghost."
"I.. see." She so clearly did not.

She made it clear in her next sentence. "Though I have never known a case where a ghost chooses a living being as a body."
"She's not a ghost. Just slightly analogous to one." Sans pointed out.
"Right." Toriel glanced around in concern.

"Sans, remind me, where is everyone again?"
"Visiting another universe." He replied easily.
"And.. how are they there again?"
"Destiny kinda just sent them off and before I could get back they just made friends with some alternate versions of themselves and decided to stick around a little longer. So it's just us in the house right now."
"Yep. Text 'em, you'll probably get a dozen selfies or something. Alphys has been especially obsessed over it." A fact that was far from surprising.

She seemed surprised at his answer. "I will?"
Sans just gestures to her handbag sitting beside her. "Go ahead if you want." ェ 𝗄ηoԝ 𝘺oս ⅾoη'ʈ ᑲᥱІiᥱⅴᥱ mᥱ. Was the unspoken add-on.
The goat monster frowned thoughtfully at the purse, reaching in to pull out a phone that was near the size of a small tablet. Sans watched as she slowly typed out a message.

It took nearly four long minutes before she sent what was likely an average sentence.
"There." She concluded with a hint of triumph.
"So who'd ya text?"
"I believe it was.. Undyne?" She squinted momentarily at the device before flinching as a loud, basic ringtone blared out.
"You gonna answer that?" Sans asked as she stared.
"Well, yes. As soon as I remember how…"
"Swipe right."
"Ah yes, thank you."

Within a second, Undyne's voice was hollering through the speakers.
"You are NOT going to BELIEVE where we are right now!"
"Wait, how do you even have a signal??" Alphys questioned in the background.
"My brain will probably break finding out so let's not ask!" Undyne replied cheerily before returning full force.
"We're literally in another universe!!"
"You.. are?"
"There's literally alternate versions of us and everything! Everyone here is literally a dragon!"

Sans slowly stood up, watching as Toriel became immediately concerned, distracted by the phone as she questioned Frisk's safety. She didn't notice him, so he just inched out of her direct line of sight and teleported away to the kitchen, gripping his skull in anxiety.

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