Life Amidst the War

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((By the way I'm working on a third fic on the side that's centered on How to Train Your Dragon fandom. It's still a UTAU crossover, duh, just specifically Momma CQ but kind of angsty. Anyway it's called Monsters and Dragons and I'd love if y'all took a look at it after reading this update!))

Lust charged through the mud-coated earth fervently, eyelights blazing and coloring the dark slurry before him as he marched, his footsteps squelching alongside the pounding rain as the skies continued their deluge. The only real light around was his own, shading the sludge in hues of faint lilac.

It wasn't long before he picked up the faint sound of a nearly inhuman screech, echoing through the pouring rain. He glared at the soaked earth and blinked away the water in his sockets before continuing on.

So singular was his focus, Lust nearly ran straight into Alter, the taller flinching and turning to regard him. "I expected you would already be there." The queen noted with relief, falling in step alongside him.
"No, just heard about it. I've never been present for a human birth but damnit if I won't help. It sounds like a painful one." Lust spoke through gritted teeth.

"Humans have agonizing births, yes. They die more often than I care to admit." Alter murmured guiltily. Lust picked up his pace at that, spotting the great blue dragon standing stock-still in the rain ahead. "They have spells for any and every occasion, why haven't they made it easier for the poor woman?" He demanded half to himself.

Alter sped up and rested a hand on his shoulder. "They are fearful of magic, Lust. It is difficult to comprehend, therefore they are afraid."
They were coming up on a crowd gathering around a single tent, men muttering amongst themselves.
"They at least can't be afraid of healing magic?" Lust questioned, bewildered at the concept of fearing a good thing.

He almost went storming into the tent before Alter grabbed him by the arm and led him to a boiling cauldron where Gertrude was washing bloody rags. "May we be of any assistance here?" He asked. Lust blinked in surprise, glancing back at the entrance to the tent as the air was pierced by another wail.

The woman shook her head. "No, I'm afraid not. We have enough as it is; the elf is helping us as she will."
"No?" Lust queried. "She's screaming in there! I thought there were spells for pain? She still needs healing-" Alter shot him a look and he paused, perturbed.
The taller went on. "May we at least help sanitize these linens?"
"That is acceptable." The human conceded, wringing a few out beside the pot.

Alter set his free hand alight and gently tossed it into the sputtering flames below the cauldron.
"Wait, that's it? We do nothing? A mother's life is in danger and a child is being born into- into this and we are to just sit aside and not help?" Lust's outrage bled through as he spoke.

"Yes." Alter answered sternly. "They are not our people. They have particular customs for events such as these; humans have always had such." He explained, turning to grip both of Lust's shoulders. There was an obvious ache when he whispered. "We could be accused of corrupting or even cursing the child. I'll not have that. If all I can do is clean rags to help, then I will gladly do so, as long as I am not labeled a." His breath caught and he leaned back. Lust was absolutely horrified at the vague implications.

He reached up to hold the other's shoulder. "Alter, I'm sorry. I didn't realize."
The queen simply stood up, shrugging off the hand. "I am fine. Just a sensitive old bones." He swiftly faced Gertrude again. "You wouldn't be opposed to us imbuing a little bit of healing magic into the cloth, would you?"

The woman wrung out another rag, faintly stained as her brow furrowed in consideration. Her eyes darted between the tent as another scream rent the air and at the pair of anxious skeletons. Her arms fell a couple inches. "A little. Only a little. Magic is not a part of our way of life, it still frightens me. But I trust you well enough." She gave them a stern look. "The other women cannot know, especially Elain. Our nerves are frayed enough as is with an elf in our midst."

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