Lonely Lands and the Plea of Death

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The dragons flew on endlessly over the rolling emerald forest below, trees roaring in the wind as the others hovered all around them. Dream kept weaving between everyone present, unable to stop smiling as he showed off his magnificent green wings that shone in the daylight.

Reaper would often just float along with them, wings spread wide in the illusion of actually using them as he hovered on his backside as though laying on the ground a ways below. Nightmare was playing with the new weapons gifted from queen Islanzadí and a gorgeous sickle he'd been carrying for a while, seated atop his currently blackened Blaster, wind whistling through his tendrils.

Bird was further up above their group, riding on updrafts as he tried to stay out of hearing range, humming and even singing to himself up there as he did so. Horror was chatting with Dust and Ghost as Killer and Cross lazily tossed knives between each other, calling out taunts as X endured Phantom and Powder including him in their conversations.

Blue was chattering with Dream as the other looped around, pausing now and then, even landing behind him on the saddle as GB joined in their chats, Nightmare joining in himself at times, but preferring to talk to Eragon, Saphira and Orik as the trio had their own riddle game with each other.

Hours passed like this, the group shifting around as everyone had the chance to catch up with each other on their misadventures during the stay in Ellesméra. At some point Killer and Dust got to talking about hunting again as Blue moved on to catch up with Reaper, Dream settling on Cross's Blaster as they caught up and Bird swooping down to talk to GB.

By sundown, they had already reached the plains between the Du Weldenvarden and Hadarac Desert, landing down to break camp in the tall grass around a pleasant fire that GB kept shooting small bursts of heat at to make it flare up, sending clouds of embers into the air to blend in with flickering fireflies as everyone dined on Blue's velvet cake and banana pudding, coupled with Horror's fresh venison, meat being something they'd missed in the land of the elves.

Now that they were free of the concealing magics of Du Weldenvarden, the Apple Twins wasted no time in meeting each other and embracing one another before stepping into the realm of the unconscious, letting the others wind down and fall asleep as they wandered the thoughts of the sleeping Alagaësia.

In one place, familiar minds were aglow, yet fogged from their view.
The mists of a timeless and broken god's power shrouded these consciousnesses when Cicállaé reached them, instead a pair of turquoise eyelights stared blankly in their direction, as though the entity behind them were blind or asleep.

And a part of Cicállaé recognized the aura emanating from the spirit, as changed as it now may be from their last meeting.
The night went on, and the god of emotion returned to it's state of two beings in the early hours of the morning. The lighter half drifted to sleep, yet the darker… the darker brought forth a fragment of power he had come into possesion of many years ago.

A beautiful orb glowing the color of midday skies shone in his hands, whispering incoherently, a forgotten shard of a greater entity, a being torn asunder in a terrible event long, long ago, something that echoed across the Multiverse when it occurred.
An event capable of killing a god, leaving them forever a shadow of themselves, lest they finally returned all their lost shards and became whole once again.
It had taken him decades to discover what this orb of power truly was.
And Nightmare knew who it belonged to.

He knew there was another god of the Multiverse in Alagaësia.

. • ° . • ° . • ° . • °

They had been flying for another day, drifting between sand and sky as they floated over the Hadarac, countless waves stretching to the horizon made not of water, but of sand.
As they day drew to a close once more, the team fell to silence, gazing at the distant mountains to the east known as Du Fells Nángoröth, the place wild dragons called home.
We must visit there someday. Saphira commented, metaphorically breaking the silence.

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