Brushed by The Cold Death

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They awaited their enemy in the bowels of the dark mountain, the blackness bathed in red, taking on an almost grotesque fleshy appearance as Eragon waited, chanting the same phrase over and over in the ancient language, the Twins observing silently as they retreated from his consciousness for privacy.

"Come, O thou eater of man's flesh, let us end this fight of ours. You are hurt, and I am weary. Your companions are dead, and I am alone. We are a fit match. I promise that I shall not use vanyalí against you, nor hurt or trap you with spells I have already cast. Come, O thou eater of man's flesh, let us end this fight of ours…."

For Eragon, he was indeed alone, as the god of emotion had left him and his thoughts alone as they observed unseen from the shadows of a deeper realm, the land of thought, of energy, of spirit.
The boy eventually fell to a pattern, stooping to a calm meditation as he chanted monotonously.

The pair drifted past him as they sensed the anger, fear and admiration approaching before them. The Ra'zac stood before Eragon mutely, dripping it's green blood that gleamed purple in the crimson glow.

They seeped into it's alien consciousness, to which the creature flinched, emotions turning to hate and disbelief.
Worry not. We merely wanted a glimpse while you still lived.
You.. had us curious, with how you hid yourselves so well.
It regarded them coldly before shielding itself.
They left, letting Eragon pause as he finally noticed the Ra'zac.

After a pause, as if to determine if they were truly gone, the creature lifted its beak and spoke. "My massster does not want me to kill you."
"But that does not matter to you now."
"No. If I fall to your staff, let Galbatorix deal with you as he will. He has more heartsss than you do."
Eragon let out a sharp bark of laughter. "Hearts? I am the champion of the people, not him."
"Foolish boy."

It turned it's head to regard it's fallen brethren down the hall. "She was my hatchmate. You have become ssstrong since we firssst met, Shadeslayer."
"It was that or die."

"Will you make a pact with me, Shadeslayer?" The Ra'zac abruptly quested.
"What kind of pact?" Asked the Rider.
"I am the lassst of my race, Shadeslayer. We are ancient, and I would not have us forgotten." The dread of endless faded memory from long lost AU's filled the pair that watched unseen as the Ra'zac spoke.
"Would you, in your songsss and in your hissstories, remind your fellow humans of the terror we inssspired in your kind? Remember us as fear!"

"Why should I do that for you?"

It pulled it's beak to it's malformed chest as it chattered quietly to itself.
"Because I will tell you sssomething secret, yesss I will."
"Then tell me."
"Give me your word firssst, lest you trick me."
"No. Tell me, and then I will decide whether or not to agree."

It was several minutes before it clicked and spoke. "He has almossst found the name."
"Who has?"
"The name of what?"
It hissed loudly, desperate. "I cannot tell you! The name! The true name!"
The dread intensified, the Twins arguing whether to get involved for a possibility of a more exact answer or stay out of it.
"You have to give me more information than that." Eragon nearly scoffed at the creature.
"I cannot!" It screeched. If it weren't for their ability to sense it's emotions, they never would have sensed it's terrified desperation.

"Then we have no pact." Eragon informed the Ra'zac. It screamed. "Curssse you, Rider! I curssse you! May you find no roossst nor den nor peace of mind in thisss land of yours. May you leave Alagaësia and never return!"

They sensed knowing dread from Eragon as Dream snapped, flooding into its thoughts.
Let us help. No race deserves to be lost from memory, no matter how evil.
What can you communicate with thought that words cannot?
T̷h̷e̷ ̷n̷a̷m̷e̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷a̷l̷l̷!̷ It screamed internally in a clicking, insectoid language, forgoing everything to draw a bow at Eragon and fire.
The human batted it aside and it reached into it's blood-soaked cloak once more to grasp a blade.

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