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(( ◉‿◉ ))

Dust stared hollowly at the horizon, standing stock-still as he thought. His brother had wandered off somewhere, leaving him to brood on the ominous feelings in the depths of his Soul.

Danger was once again on the horizon, he could feel it. And given Horror's disquiet nearby, the others felt it too. The premonitions only sank in after Abyss had dramatically disappeared the day before.

He missed Nightmare. He would have something for him to do, have select words to say, anything.
But the one he called king wasn't around. He was constantly sharing a body with his own twin, becoming more and more like a tree all the time, leaving the rest of the gang alone.

A hand on his shoulder startled him into the present, Cross behind him.
"You need to do something." The monochrome pointed out.
"I know." He growled.
"Then do something already."
"Why not?"
"Because." He shrugged indifferently.

Cross sighed loudly, backing away. "Look, Dust, I get it. Nothing feels right today. We need a distraction."
"I'm perfectly fucking distracted, you find something to do." He scowled, irritated at the conversation. He then hesitated.
"How 'bout you go look for Nightmare and Dream? Distract yourself that way, why don't you."

"Because I'm worried about you, damnit." Cross narrowed his sockets. "And you've been standing here for over an hour."
"And I'll stand for another one if I want to! Get the fuck outta my business, Cross!"
Cross tucked his face in out of surprise, eyelights glowering. "If you're going to be like that, then fine." He spat, stalking off. Dust spun back around and shoved his hands in his pockets, the looming dread increasing.

"That was entirely uncalled for." His brother had returned, gloves crossed below his ephemeral scarf.
"I don't care." He mumbled under his breath.
"You should! Must you be so incorrigible?!"
Dust chose not to reply, glaring at the horizon and the eerie sense of doom as though that would scare it away.

"He's right, y'know." Horror's voice startled him enough to have an attack pointed at the other before he realized who it was.
"What the hell, Horror?" He demanded, having forgotten that the other could see his brother now, just as much as he could see the foggy spirits always wandering around, connected to one monster.

"Powder's right. You're bein' an asshole. Just because shit feels bad don't mean you gotta piss everyone off about it." His red lights illuminated the faint mist rising up from his jaws.
Dust growled at that, noticing Ghost appear off to the side and poof into mist, unseen by all but him and his brother.

"You could spar." Horror suggested.
"I'd kill you." Dust retorted.
"I don't feel like sparring, I meant Red."
He turned on him. "Why the hell would I spar with him? He's been hanging around some bird, anyway."
Horror let his sockets slide halfway shut, tilting his skull back to keep looking at him.
"He doesn't really have a choice with the bird, they've been stuck with him and he kinda hates them."

"Oh, one shouldn't toss around mentions of Hate so carelessly now; that rogue is awake and consolidating his strength in this world." A new, rich and feminine voice spoke.
Both Dust and Horror turned to see the strange red bird, now a swan, studying them.
"Fuck off with the cryptic bullshit." Red scoffed, nudging it away from him with his foot.

"What the hell even are you?" Dust asked it, perturbed.
"I am Love, my dear." The slightly accented voice introduced with a hint of amusement.
"... Your name pisses me off." He deadpanned.
"FINALLY someone gets it!" Red burst out, gesturing vaguely.

She tilted her head to the side until her right eye was facing the ground, her gaze still locked on Dust with laughter in her magenta eyes.
"If you feel so much animosity towards me, why don't you express it?"
"Because you'd already be dead, dumbass." Dust scoffed, amazed at the attitude. Red's sockets went wide where he stood and he slowly shook his skull, suddenly tense.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now