Unknown Passengers and Consequences

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((I managed to write another chapterrrrrr! Yeeeaaaaayyyyyy!))

After was fidgeting, rubbing one arm as he watched the others, Geno staring intently at Kin.
"Are you sure you want to try this? There can be irreversible effects."

The wilder skeleton held Beats closer, the small one hugging him comfortingly.
"Yes." He answered thickly, never taking his eyelights off the red beaker in the bloody glitch's hand.

The group was standing in a high ceilinged room, a fireplace embedded in the wall crackling pleasantly, casting twisting shadows along the walls.
Regarding the glass skeptically, Geno sighed. "Never thought this crap would end up being used for anything."

He held it out, only to retract when Kin brought up his hand. "Test it first. Don't chug it. You will overload your system drinking too much at once."
"I get it." The green-clad growled.
"Alright, just making sure this all doesn't go fuck up." Geno explained, gingerly handing the vial over.

Everyone held their breath as Kin's phalanges clicked onto the glass, his slitted eyelights narrowing and studying the contents, seemingly as if he could see something others could not.

With a flick, he turned it up and started guzzling. Geno's eyelight winked out, Beats stiffening at the sight before Ganz lunged and dragged him to the side, glitch shouting for the green to stop, reaching to wrench it away.

In a matter of seconds, Kin's eyelights flashed a dark magenta, snarling as his tail smacked Geno into the ground. Unfortunately, his hands were still on the beaker, dragging the animalistic skeleton down with him.

Letting out a garbled whine, he lunged, jaws clamping over the glass and abruptly shattering it as they went down. White glitches shot up from Geno as he yelped in alarm, covering both figures as the room devolved into panicked chaos, Beats fighting to reach Kin in the midst of the white squares.

The madness escalated, everyone yelling at each other before all the rectangles abruptly retreated, revealing both figures on the floor. Silence swiftly smothered the room at the sight.

Geno was on his back, hands held a few inches from his face as he held a grimace, splattered in bright red and shards of glass. Kin hovered over him, silently panting with bared fangs, that same vivid red dripping from his teeth, bits of glass stuck between them.
"...Kin?" Beats whispered.

He flinched, shaking his skull and awkwardly stepping backwards on all fours, then sitting on his haunches as he let the glass fall from his jaws. He then turned and looked over at Beats, skull bobbing slightly as he took ragged breaths.

Grumbling to himself, Geno shifted to his kneecaps, wiping his face irritably. Kin's wild, slitted gaze snapped towards him, tensing.
"I think he's gone feral." Omega whispered loudly, only for everyone to shoot him a look.

The moment was cut short then by Kin gagging, suddenly choking on something as he fell to a kneel, spasming slightly as he clawed at his ribs.
"Kin?!" Beats cried, throwing his weight on Ganz's grip, but the other held fast, markings flashing in his alarm.

Now Geno was up, crouching as he put a hand to the other's shoulder. "Spit it out. Now. It'll only get worse if you keep it in, trust me."
The other let out a gurgling wheeze, pushing him away to fall over and seize on the floor.
"Kin! Spit it out! Please just spit it out!" Beats hollered.
"Throw it up!" Ganz agreed, horrified.
Kin didn't seem to hear their cries.

"Is there any way to extract it from him?" Ganz turned to Geno. The bleached one shook his skull, stepping back. "Alagaësia doesn't have nearly enough technology to mess with Souls." He whispered, holding a hand to his face.

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