Stories Collide

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Abyss stared across the milky waters, tense as he caught the sound of metal on metal, smelled the acrid metallic blood and sweat in the noxious smoky breeze, and recognized the wavering mana in the air as attacks. Lots and lots of monster attacks.

"You feel it too, don't you?" Alter asked lowly beside him.
"Yeah…" He stared at the wafting smoke and mist, all illuminated by dull, greyed twilight.
"It's so thick I can almost taste it." Kin muttered morbidly, tongue running over his teeth before he grimaced.
"And I can already taste the blood."

"Man the ballistae!" Uthar suddenly bellowed. "Double-time on those oars, Bonden. An' every able-bodied man jack among you better be ready or you'll be using your guts for pillows!"

The Dragon Wing burst forth in activity, humans scuttling around frantically as they prepared to fight for their lives. The skeletons clustered at the foredeck, peering through the smoke in morbid fascination as the armies drifted into view.

"Oh my God there are other skeletons!" Dance gasped, spotting a Blaster firing into the mass of bodies, turning as it carved an area out of them with it's laser.
"A ship!" A voice cried out from the chaos. "A ship is coming up the Jiet River!"

"Crap, we're spotted." Mecha swore lightly, Kin standing protectively around Beats as Abyss flinched from a sudden noise, Alter resting his hands on the smaller's shoulders in concern, Dance holding a sharp bone attack out of nervousness.
Then the others noticed it as well, just in time for the humans to hear it.

The air was shaking, as if something were splitting it apart. It sounded like enormous sails flapping in the breeze, coming from several directions at once, the noise of the armies only adding to the confusion as the air thudded- that is, until the dragons fell out of the sky.

"OH HOLY SHI-" Mecha screamed with a high-pitched audio screech, stopping himself just in time as the first one swerved and halted it's descent, becoming apparent how it was entirely skeletal, staring at them with wide sockets as the Rider upon it hesitated as well.

The second dragon remained in the air, hovering in place as the skeletal one regarded it, then zeroed in on the small team of skeletons.

"Are you all the monsters on this ship?" He asked in Wingdings.
"It's just us." Abyss answered tensely.
"Who are you?" Kin demanded.
"GB. My friend here is Blue. We think it's best that you and…. Carvahall stay here. Go back down the river even. The Empire might attack you."
"Blue?!" Dance questioned, staring at the Blaster faced skeleton with whitish eyelights in the saddle. "As in Blueberry? He looks nothing like him!"

Then the Rider spoke.
"A lot of things have happened since we've last met, Dance." That voice was unmistakably Blue's, as shocking as it was.

"Please. We can't convince you to not fight, if that's really what you want, but at the very least stay safe. Stay together." He paused, the magnificent, glittering blue dragon turning and flying off.
"We have to go now; the Varden and the Wyrdaí Islingrya need us." Blue nodded to them as his armored ride, GB, Gaster Blaster Sans, raced off the ship and teleported to the air, flying away in the direction of the chaotic mess of glowing blue cables in the sky.

The skeletons stared after the dragons as they dove into the battle, displaying terrifying violence against the troops as Roran drifted over, followed by Jeod and Horst.

"A Rider! A real Rider! Two of them! I never thought I'd see the day, much less that it would be Eragon- and a skeleton like you are, eh?" He regarded the small, shocked group and shook his head. "I guess you told us the truth, eh Longshanks?"
The scholar only grinned like an overexcited kid.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now