Starlit Destinies

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((I'm sorry to say that this is the last of my prewritten chapters. I have been burnt out for months, unable to write more. I hope this lack of excess will galvanize my brain into working again, but ever since I caught the long haul Covid (thrice) my mind hasn't.. worked the same. Don't be overly upset! I know I'll be able to finish eventually! Hell, I might be back by next week! It's just a matter of time. Wish me luck, my friends, for this is my favorite project yet. IN THE MEANTIME! If I can't update as I used to, then I'll start updating a side project I worked on while unable to think on Andlátkyn. I'm unable to continue it too, but it's an unconnected story about skeletons, a ghost, a human.. and magical shenanigans. And the sun rises in the west and sets in the east because.. reasons. Anyway! Read on!))

He was just laying there.
It was a few days after the little incident, and it was quickly found that he couldn't get himself to actually explain what happened that terrified him so much aside from the possibility of oblivion- which he desperately wanted to take back.
Everyone was unsettled by the prospect, even wary.

He'd told Frisk what he'd learned about Toby and Endogeny, but… they just studied him, concerned.
Really, he felt fine!
The next day, even the ache was absent, but he could still feel it.

Like something had settled in and around his Soul. It was both light and heavy, constantly sending him a stream of energy that made it even harder to sleep- because it made it less.. necessary.

Alphys had theorized that whatever had happened had basically resulted in the impossibility of him taking on all the energy of a lightning bolt, though she too, had no idea how the process worked.
He'd tried working it out himself, but could only figure out that the pausing of time had something to do with it.

He felt twitchy.
Sans glanced out the window, to the night sky beyond. The Multiverse was on his mind.

Really, there was no way it couldn't be. He'd realized he could sense things. Just like space with it's stars, it felt vast with trillions of small points that were all the same yet so much vaster than he could fully grasp. Each had its own aura, like a star's light spectrum was unique to each one. Many stars could be incredibly similar, but each had a slight difference between each that he was beginning to make sense of.

Of course, he told no one about this.
Why bother? He'd frightened them enough. Everyone was so terribly worried. And it was his fault- but he had to tell them.
They needed to know something if this.. Fall was happening. He was sure. And he'd said enough to know they'd be- at least- not overwhelmed. Sort of.

He couldn't sit still anymore. Sans grumbled to himself, sitting up and glaring at his wall. He was constantly buzzing. Like electricity was continually tainting his system, which in fact, was still there. Like a new ability he'd gained, he could control it.
That certainly wasn't included in the agreement.

But nonetheless, it was mildly entertaining. He could make a spark dance on his phalanges, only needing a tiny bit of blue magic to do so.
It also opened up the idea of pranking others with electric shocks. Not as funny as a whoopie cushion, but hilarious all the same.

There were other things as well- he could now sense others on a much more intense level, growing to recognize a person's mood based on the aura they exuded, though he'd already had that talent to a lesser extent before. Just now, he didn't need to see a person to know.

He felt another minor 'star' collapse. Again, the sensation that was outside of his sense of self was peculiar and made him think of the Multiverse.
Maybe it was because it reminded him of what that Doodle-Sphere looked like.

"Damnit." He found himself muttering, leaning on the windowsill. He hated not knowing things.
He also hated Ink.

Maybe there's a way I could travel up there without that freak. He thought, studying the sky. A familiar pulse pressed against his Soul, as if the entity was listening- because honestly, it felt like a yes.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now