What is Anything?

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"I'm.. good. I'm fine. I think I'm still thinking about.. yesterday? Have I been asleep since yesterday?"
"No, only a couple hours. We're supposed to stay here for a while and help hold Aroughs while the rest of the Varden heads to capture Feinster. How do you feel about that?"
"..I don't know. I have no idea what Feinster even is. Or the Varden. I'm missing a lotta context here."
"That's fair, I was too."

Bird fell silent for a minute, sitting on the foot of the bed After was comfortably resting on, both holding their own plate of what had been pie.
"I think.. the first thing to understand is Galbatorix. He's.. wait. Uh. No. Riders. Uh.. elves and dragons? Crap, I don't know where to start."
He paused, setting the plate aside to press his hands together.

"... Okay. First order of business is the magic here is different from back home. Nothing here has Souls as we know it, and anyone who can access magic can use it by reciting spells in a language. It's not Latin, but it's just called the Ancient Language. The elves speak it, and you physically can't lie when you use it."

Hesitating, he continued. "Also, for some reason everyone that falls here just.. this ancient language gets in our skulls or something. Sometimes you know a word here and there, sometimes you start speaking in it without knowing, it's.. creepy. The only theory anyone has is because we're the only race made of magic here. Alagaësia's magic is getting mixed up in our own. Same theory applies to why it has weird effects on us."

"So I could just start talking in a different language and not know?" After asked, unsettled. Bird nodded. "Yep. It's happened to everyone now. I was one of the lucky ones, I guess? I was around the elves at the time, they just switch over without caring. Or maybe that's worse. I don't know." He shifted and started preening his feathers impulsively.

"But other than that. The.. Bads, you know? Ink found a way to get rid of them? Yeah, this is where they ended up. Apparently what Ink did was a big no-no and there's a lot of stuff we didn't have the full story on."
"I got the idea when I saw Dream and Nightmare not fighting and Error.. not being crazy. And apparently being related to me. Still crazy."

"Yep." Bird agreed. "It is. Turns out there was a balance to everything! Some anime level stuff. There's a balance that needs to be maintained between the Twins, and one between Ink and Error. It's like.. like life and death. Can't have one without the other. That's the gist of all of them, really. But yeah, other point is that the whole reason everyone is ending up here is because apparently there's a limit to how many universes can.. fit in the Multiverse? And Ink is always creating too many. Error was forced to destroy them, but Ink didn't like that, Error went crazy, got painted the bad guy, yadda yadda yadda, now the Multiverse is going to collapse and send all inhabitants to Alagaësia."

After sat up. "Wai-wai-wait. What? Back up. A limit? Actual limit in empty space? What actually forced Error to destroy thousands of universes? What could possibly do that?"

Bird regarded him nervously.
"I.. don't know much on that subject. No one really talks about it. I just know that.. there's this.. thing, person, entity, something that took him and put him in the Anti-Void and.. made him the Destroyer? All I know is whatever it is, it's literally called Fate."

".. Doesn't that sound.. I dunno, made up? Just a little?" After pointed out.
"You got another reason for them being like this? I heard their stories. Maybe not so much from Error, but I've been around that gang. They're.. not like what I thought they were. Dust is actually a really chill guy. Cross is friendly when you get to know him. Horror.. well now he's just so nice. Killer's ehh.. friendly. Slightly morbid sense of humor. But none of them are actually.. evil, I guess. A little psychotic sometimes, but I've only seen them legitimately aggressive on the battlefield. And they're a damn menace there." He shivered. "Almost on par with the actual gods if you ask me."

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now