After a Capture

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"We were remarkably lucky with Lord Halstead's capture, my Lady. If Cross and Color had not pursued him as they had, he and Lady Galiana would have escaped out to sea." Brigman reported through the mirror, Nasuada's face nodding on the other side.

"And what of the captives they held in their cells? Are they well?" Nightmare appeared at her side, calmly holding an incredibly anxious Reaper beside him still with branching tendrils.

After flinched, recognizing him and immediately afraid. Geno stepped forth from the side. "After is fine, Nightmare. Can you let Reaps go?"

Said god of Death was released, sighing in relief. "I was so worried, Gen."
"What have I told you? I die when I say I die, and After's not going anywhere if I can say something about it."

"And what of Halstead? Where have you been keeping him?" Nasuada redirected the conversation again.
"We've been keeping him under guard in one of the rooms and his daughter separate." Brigman informed dutifully.
"Alter and Dance have been staying close to the kiddo, she's been crying on and off." Cross admitted with some disquiet, shoulders falling.

"I'm sure she'll be alright, it's Alter after all." Dream assured, leaning in from out of sight to smile kindly.

"I'm sorry, but I just gotta ask- how are you all in the same room?" After suddenly questioned in a fair bit of shock.
"And why are you covered in vines??" He added with a second glance at Dream.

"A lot's changed since we've arrived here." Nightmare explained with a slight smile. "I'm sure the others with you can explain it well enough. You can ask further when you inevitably arrive here at du Völlar Eldrvarya."
"What burning plains?"

There were a bunch of grins all around. After glanced at them all, growing increasingly worried.
"Why are you all looking at me like that?"
"Nothing." Geno sighed, the only skeleton not smiling. "You just didn't notice."
"What didn't I notice?! Seems to me I've not noticed a lot of things!"
"Calm down, we'll explain later." Cross finally ordered, stepping forward.

After backed away, hands raised defensively. "Don't Overwrite me."
"Oh, for fuck's sake- only Chara could do that!"
"Now it's your turn to calm down." Geno snapped, still wired.
"Did you seriously never tell him anything about the truth for all these years?"
"And risk being found out for meeting with you guys then? Of course not! He doesn't even know anything about Error!"
"Wait, what about him?"
"Not even Error?!"
"All of you!"

Everyone froze at the commanding voice that flooded the room, facing the Twins that spoke as one. Nightmare first addressed Cross. "He had every right to keep information to himself for all those years. You are both fully capable of informing After of what he does not know when we are done with this conversation. And Geno!"

Dream took up the narrative without hesitation.
"Since when did you get so aggressive with others? You're supposed to be the reasonable one? Or have you decided to let After hold up that title, because I think we'd all like to know if you've suddenly decided to imitate Error! If not, can you please, for the love of all that is holy, not escalate the situation in a room of Determined monsters?"

Geno fell silent, glaring to the side with his scarf hiding the entire lower half of his face. The silence was so absolute, not even the humans missed the faint plink of liquid dripping to the floorboards. A red stain had covered Geno's shirt, the middle of the slash eaten away as the fluid left long trails down the bleached fabric, slowly landing on the floor in large droplets of red.

"You're bleeding." Nasuada noted softly. Sci reached out a hand in concern as the rest took notice of the old injury. Geno scowled, shifting his jacket over the wound even as Ganz gasped at the sight.
"I'm fine." He growled, turning away and abruptly leaving the room.

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