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They skeletons rode on their Gaster Blasters, save for Blue, who enjoyed riding on Cadoc while they still had the horse. They all chatted, eventually the topic of the skulls coming up with the humans, and the monsters explaining how their magic and attacks worked, Dust even demonstrating by firing one Blaster into the sky at one point. The others just lazily summoned their attacks.

Before long, they approached a small village, where the others chose to hide around the outskirts with Saphira while the humans sold Cadoc with Nightmare watching from the shadows.

Then the real journey began. Everyone started getting closer, learning more about each other and discovering shared interests. Eragon, Murtaugh, and surprisingly Killer enjoyed talking about archery with Nightmare as the humans, Killer and Horror also obsessed over hunting. Admittedly, Horror was irrefutably, the best hunter. Killer was exceptional at skinning, as well as killing, hence his name. Dust would also talk about weaknesses humans had, as well as talk about the constant war the Bad Guys had been fighting since forever back home.

In the evenings, Eragon and Murtaugh began sparring, the others watching excitedly while sometimes placing bets on the winner. It ended quickly when it became obvious that the two were perfectly matched, most battles ending in a tie. And every time they drew near a town or city, Eragon insisted he go inside, though his disguises became more and more elaborate. Nightmare of course followed him as he checked every jail they had, no doubt for the woman in his visions. After a while of this, Nightmare took him aside and explained what he knew while trying to ease the human's fears.

Often Blueberry started joining Saphira as she flew, the pair getting to know each other well as the Sans adored the flights, being able to fly higher with her than she could with Eragon, as skeletons had more resistance to the elements than humans. This prompted Horror to ask to join her too, especially when she was hunting, as they had the most fun hunting together. Killer soon warmed up to this and rode her as well, making jokes and whatnot in the expansive sky. Dust sometimes went with her too, but he mostly preferred to ride his Blaster, so he would join her while someone else was in her saddle, mostly Killer. Though when it was just the two of them, dragon and skeleton had long, introspective and deep thoughtful conversations.

Nightmare would often sit down and generally educate the humans on many subjects, mostly after hearing that Brom had been teaching Eragon battle strategies and had a strange desire to fill in that void the human left behind. Although he started giving easy ones every time Murtaugh was around after noticing his familiarity with the politics of the Empire. He could tell that Murtaugh wanted to leave his past in the past, that he was living under a dark shadow that he hated. Nightmare understood this well, but despite everything he felt something strange about that one's future. One of sorrow...

But even so, he still taught the humans about the history of his Multiverse, believing that it was most certainly doomed to die. He wanted to keep all that history alive somehow.

Error started teaching the humans, too. But he liked discussing science, technology, and the stars. At night, he sometimes brought out a telescope Blueberry had gifted him long ago and show them the sky in a whole new way. They were amazed with all of this. But most of the time, the glitch spent knitting new clothes for everyone, starting with Blueberry and himself.

Gradually, all of them had elegant clothes that fit in with the fashion of Alagaësia, though it was mostly simple and still a version of their old outfits.

In their spare time, Nightmare and Error spent it on deciphering the code left by whatever the Grey Folk were, realizing more and more about this Ancient Language and it's capabilities.

In turn, they each discovered that it didn't work properly with the skeletons. Some magics naturally didn't function. They found this by actually trying it out. On one another. And even Eragon, upon promising they'd teach him more of this language.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora