Hadarac Desert and Nightmare's secret Cuteness

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"It's like... brown snow." Blueberry commented first. Killer giggled while Dust added; "But worse. It's gritty and gets in your joints; and it's so nasty."

"I don't think you've ever had a sand bath." Error told him.
"What, and you have?"
"I have, they're very nice."
There was a silence.

"Welp, that's something you don't hear everyday!" Killer said loudly.

After that comment, the company of 9 and 2 horses made themselves comfortable in the shadow of a dune, Saphira crooning happily as she stretched. The others fell asleep quickly, even Nightmare decided to rest, his mind wandering the land of Alagaësia as he slept.

Error made small talk with Saphira about deserts he'd seen and enjoyed before, the conversation slowly waning into silence.

"Sleep, Saphira." He ordered gently.
I'm keeping watch for danger.
"Yes, but I have that covered. I don't need sleep, but you do."
I don't need sleep like the others do!
"Yes you do. Don't pull that argument with me, Nightmare did the same thing with me 50 years ago. I know the song and dance."
Fifty? Your age surprises me.
"Don't change the subject. Go to sleep, you belligerent dragon."
I am not-!

She growled, laying her head on the sand and glaring at Error, who pointedly ignored her. He just resumed knitting, fully aware of the calming effect the clicking needles have on others. Saphira was no exception, her eyelids snicking closed as she blinked, before not opening again as a quiet hum sounded from her.

His needles clicked, the only noise aside from the light snores and whistling wind as they rested from traveling thirty-five leagues in four days.


They slept long enough to clear their minds and rest the horses. There weren't any soldiers, but that didn't allay their suspicions. They knew the Empire would keep searching for them until they were outside of reach. Galbatorix wanted the Rider, and probably the skeletons, too.
Eragon spoke while they had a short breakfast.
"Couriers must have carried news of my escape to Galbatorix. He would have alerted the Ra'zac. They're sure to be on our trail by now. It'll take them a while to catch us even by flying, but we should be ready for them at all times."

"Or," Killer started with a malicious grin. "They can find us and we get to kick their asses!" Saphira snorted, her Rider hiding his smile as he chuckled while everyone else but Murtaugh shared a laugh. The other human was frowning.

They arrived at the crags they'd spotted from that morning while the sun was sitting on the horizon, a massive firey orb of dark orange, distorted by the heat waves as the sky around it was red.

Luckily the skeletons had been considerate, shading the humans with their Gaster Blasters as they traveled, immune to sunburn themselves. Although the heat was starting to affect them all. Nightmare hated it, as the hot, dry conditions where not something he functioned in.
When they dismounted, everyone was slightly moody, although different levels.

"How far do you think we went?" Eragon croaked after checking on the elf.
"I don't know!" Murtaugh snapped.
"Who the fuck cares." Killer muttered.
"I hate the desert." Nightmare growled, completely coated in sand.

Error and Saphira were the only ones unaffected, both sharing a look before glitch shrugged.
Murtaugh swore angrily. "We don't have enough water. And the horses have to drink."
Saphira quickly began digging a hole.

The skeletons listened intently to hear Eragon mutter the spell so they could do the same. Then Cross and Blue helped him bring forth a small pool, the Rider's face relaxing as they lessened his strain.

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