A New Race

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((Merry Christmas! Have an update from both this and M&D and have a great rest of the year however you are able!))

He was murmuring a phrase to himself, watching the cerulean glow of his wings pulse each time he thought it, a slight bluish hue dancing across his bones.
Part of it scared him. He reminded him of damp darkness and excruciating pain. It reminded him of being forced to do things that weren't right. Things he couldn't just.. refuse to do.

But another part of him took glee in understanding that the name was different from the words spoken then. The name was a hint longer, speaking more strongly of the awakened Loyalty within him, of his love for his unborn children, of his fierce Determination to fight what was wrong, something he did not have before. The trait he'd obtained from his stint beneath Durza's heel. Papyrus would love to see this new him.

GB looked up, glancing over at the vast structure nearby. It had apparently not even been considered noteworthy when compared to the other structures in Doru Araeba, but by normal standards it was still gigantic. Three stories tall and perfectly sized for the three of them to walk around a few paces- though Draco still had to duck his skull slightly to enter and leave.

Speaking of which, his mate was standing stiffly at said entrance, staring at him. GB tilted his skull in question, and the other simply glanced back inside with wide sockets.
They stared at each other a moment longer before the skeleblaster bounded over, slowing in front of him.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a low voice.
"Eggs." Draco spat out in horror.
"What?" GB didn't understand.
"She had eggs." His voice wobbled, panicky.
GB stared for a moment longer before he realized, going cold. For a moment, his body felt as if it were drifting almost beyond the atmosphere again.
"...How.. did she have eggs..?" He found it hard to breathe.
Draco stared at him, fidgeting before whining, biting the edge of his own wing before replying.
"You know why, GB!"
"We- we didn't-"
"We did! Fuck, we did!"

They both jumped hard as something snorted from around the corner, Draco painfully cracking his skull on the top of the entryway.
There stood a strange, crystalline dragon there, it's wings feathered and a line of white fur going down it's back. Deer-like ears lifted up, one tilted to the side.

The strange dragon spoke in a calm voice, almost surprising them with it's knowledge of Wingdings.
"A sailor cannot blame themself for crashing into rocks when they do not know what a siren is. Why do you blame yourselves for falling prey to an unknown spell? That is like blaming yourselves for being trapped Underground by the humans."

A moment later GB recognized the voice.
The dragon nodded sedately, coming closer.
"You are not at fault for what happened."
Draco snarled, waving a wing into the dark building. "She is a CHILD, do you have any idea-"
"Not by Alagaësia's standards. And again, you weren't in control of yourselves. Let it stay in the past. Saphira understands this."
"She's too young to be a mother." GB shook his skull spastically.
"You don't know who she is and what she wants. You remember why she attacked Glaedr when you two had your eggs."

They both blinked. "How do you know that?" Draco demanded.
Glowing aquamarine eyes blinked at them, cat-like and seeing far more than they could.
"I am Memory." He said in a different voice.
"I remember what is forgotten and know what is not." Looking inside the building, he blinked, returning somewhat to normalcy.
"She has wanted to be a mother, and not just to stop herself from being the last female of her kind."

GB sighed, looking inside. "We.. we know." He admitted. "She's still so young.."
"You know she has seen and experienced worse." Abyss pointed out.
"She has memories of her race. Glimpses of ages in her mind. And the war is not kind, yet she is still ferocious despite her age. Dragons here will always be more wild than you. That is something you have to remember. You are civilized; she- they- are not."
"But they're close enough-"
"It's not about acting civilized, GB. There is a divide no matter if she can speak and respect others. She may be tame, but she is not domestic."

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now