To Begin to Mend

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((It's been way too long since I last updated, huh? I'm so sorry about all that. Burnout and all that. Not to mention that I have to open up my old phone to even create a new chapter for Andlátkyn anymore. The new one crashes every time. It's annoying. Anywho, hopefully I can start updating regularly again, soon. We're really close to the end. You could say we're basically there- though there's still that sequel I'm planning. Can't forget that! Vanyalíkyn is on the way!
... Eventually.
Anyway, I hope this will tide you over for now, see you next time!))

Eventually the celebrations came to an end, after which the strange creatures of magic from the Multiverse attempted to depart- it was only through Cicállaé working alongside a particularly strange blue and silver dragon with shifting multicolored eyes that they even managed to convince the ancient creatures to stay.

Their incredible power was unexpectedly helpful, and their ability and willingness to gather the less sentient beasts and dinosaurs from the countryside proved useful to the others.
The true difficulty was getting many of them to help, a good portion of the ancient beings wishing to depart and explore their new world.

The more resistant races typically consisted of unusual giant eagles with powers over electricity, but their assistance was won through a very.. bright dragon of rainbow feathers and four wings.

With the help of the strange giants, all manner of unusual creatures flocked to them at different points of the countryside, where they lay in fields and stone coated their sleeping bodies.

But it was out of woodwork that flowed a seemingly endless torrent of folk that were neither monster nor human, but varieties of elves and dwarves and fae from the Multiverse. Surprisingly, it was these other elves with longer ears and living plants in their clothes that approached the elves of Alagaësia, a single king stepping from their number with fiery red hair and bushy eyebrows and a griffin at his side.

Several elves of court, including Arya and Däthedr, chose to meet with this strange, wilder king than their own folk. His name was Aberdos Helekis, and it appeared that other fae and woodland races such as nymphs had allied with his people in the face of the bewildering circumstances.

It was difficult to set up communications when the elf king could only speak old, often dead languages, namely something that only resembled old English, perhaps some precursor to even that.

Even as these communications began, a growing defensive camp of actual goblins had been discovered in an abandoned village known as Yazuac far to the north. Apparently goblins had sheltered in the empty homes despite some pile of bodies that supposedly existed there.
Eragon seemed grimly familiar with that information when he learned of it, appearing pained at the mention.

Just as goblins were looting dead villages, apparently trolls were hiding out in the empty tunnels of the Beors alongside even more goblins and cyclops hiding from the giant bears and wolves and the occasional lost ogre. Rumors spoke of a basilisk that had started hunting said bears and wolves and defending the surprisingly reclusive trolls.

It was a werecat, surprisingly, that offered to speak with the creatures, bringing with them three dwarves, an elf and a pair of Urgals.
Fortunately for them, Error found the party before they departed the the Beors, Chaos dragging Cross to join them in the expedition as the god simply opened a portal to Bregan Hold to help them along, readjusting a tightly braided necklace and bracelet over his adopted daughter's neck and wrist before hesitantly letting them go.

And in the middle of this, a god of war- Reaper's Undyne- approached the nearest member of the Wyrdaí Islingrya, which turned out to be Alter, over the many unnoticed creatures that now dwelled in the oceans- mers of all sorts being caught in fishing nets, giant crabs rising from the waves, sea serpents attacking fishing boats for getting too close to shoals of unknown fish and ocean beasts and leaping out of the water to attack blue dragons in the sky with streaks of ice- said dragons spitting lightning in retaliation.
There was much work that needed doing indeed.

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