Can I Return It?

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Previously on Violet Marie Jonas:

Kevin: So she's still suspended for the next two days?

Nick: Yeah.

Kevin: Well it's ok she can come with us to the studio.

Nick: Sounds like a plan.


Hey everyone sorry I haven't updated. I had.. Still kinda have writers block. Any ideas are welcomed. This will be a short chapter. I'm hoping next chapter I'll have an idea. This chapter is just to explain violets attitude.


(Joe's POV)

Something's up with violet she's been acting really weird. At the studio she flipped out on our producer and then when Kevin tried to calm her down she punched him. Yeah you heard me right she punched out older brother in the face! He wasn't too happy. The rest of us found it pretty Hilarious! Now she's screaming at dani.



Kevin: Enough!

Nick: Vi what's going on?

Violet: Nothing I'm fine!

Me: Why do you look drunk and why do you have an attitude?

Violet: Why do you look like a mouse crawled under your lip and died?

Me: Geez I was just asking a question?

Violet: So was I idiot!

Nick: Watch it! I think I may know what's going on. I'm taking Vi to the hospital.

Dani: Do you want me to call my friend?

Nick: Yes please have him meet us there and tell him I think it's possibly DKA.

Dani: Alright

---------------------Phone Convo-------------------

Dr. Goleta: Hello?

Dani: Hey James can I ask you for a favor?

James: Sure what's up?

Dani: Nick is taking violet to the hospital with a possible DKA? He wants you to meet them there.

James: On my way!

Dani: Thank you James.

James: No Prob Dani.

-------------------At The Hospital-------------------

James: Ok I ran some tests and Nick your right if you would have waited she would have been DKA.

Violet: Will someone tell me what's going on and what DKA is??

Nick: Vi DKA is Diabetic Ketoacidosis it's when your body can't use sugar as a fuel source because it's not producing enough or any insulin instead it breaks down fat and waste products called ketones build up. Basically Vi you have diabetes. It explains your attitude.

Violet: Diabetes? As in what you have?

Nick: Yes Baby Girl.

Violet: Can I return it? I don't want diabetes.

Nick: Unfortunately not but I'll help you tell the others. We can come up with a creative way together.

Violet: Thanks Nicky.

James: So Vi we have given you some insulin and we are sending you home with a kit and enough insulin for the week. I'm giving nick your prescription and i will check back with you in a month to see how your doing. Since nick is a pro at this I'm only making you stay here overnight. Alright.

Violet: Thanks Dr. Goleta!

James: No Problem you guys take care.


Sorry it's short. If you have any ideas PM me otherwise next update will be when I have one. Have a good week all.

Violet Marie Jonas- A Jonas storyWhere stories live. Discover now