That Moment That Lead To Breakup

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Previously on Violet Marie Jonas:

Dani: Babe we need to talk to you.

Me: Ohk what's up?

Demi: Why does Violet seem upset? She is saying she just wants to be alone today.

Me: Yeah I know I think she may be upset over Nick.

Selena: What did he do?

Me: He's annoyed with her because he says she hasn't been acting like herself. He thinks she's putting on a facade.

Dani: Well that's just ridiculous.

Selena: Wait is this why he's asking me to go with him out today?

Me: I think so. Yeah.

Selena: Girls I think we need to intervene.

Dani: I'm with you.

Demi: Me too. What's our plan?

Me: Oh boy. Just leave me out of it please. I need to get these plans done for the new JonasWerner house we are working on.

Dani: Ok we'll leave. Good luck Hun. *Kisses him*


(They walked into Demi's room which is far away from Kevin's office and nicks room.)

(Selena's POV)

I have a plan, Now it's a bit farfetched but it just might teach nick a very needed lesson. I know I seem cruel but he's treating violet so badly over something dumb and he's acting like a child so I'm... well we are gonna have to do something about it. So basically my plan is to get joe to run into nicks room and tell him he can't find violet. I know kinda mean but just bear with me ok. Im gonna have joe tell him that she's not anywhere and her clothes are gone. Obviously we will remove her clothes and leave a fake note on the bed. The note is gonna say this...

Dear everyone, Im sorry for everything I put you through and for being so annoying so I'm running away. Im sorry for everything . Violet

We will hide violet probably in Kevin and Dani's room since it's the only room in that part of the house that nick won't check.

Dani: So whats our plan?

Demi: Knowing Sel its gonna be good.

Me: Hear me out before you say anything ok.

Dani: Ook

Demi: Ooh it's gonna be good.

Me: Basically I want to make Nick think Violet ran away because of him and hide her in your room Dani . We will remove her clothes and make it look like she left and have joe break the news to him.

Dani: Uhhhh


Dani: I don't know about this. Maybe we should run it past Kevin. Make sure it's ok to mess with Nick in that way.

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