Dark and Light Collide Pt. 5 FINAL

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Dang, this is the longest imagine yet. Do you like the long ones or the shorter ones better?

This is the last chapter to DaLC and I'm sad 😢. But there will be a fluffy bonus chapter so wait for that 💜




"'Yes, alpha.' Without sparing Kai another glance, Yoongi turned around and walked back to the pack house, not even bothering to shift back into his human form as he stalked away from the crowd and up the stairs to breach the entrance of his home. He shook off some of the rain, mud, and blood before passing through the doorway and making his way up the stairs, using his nose to find the one things he needed."

Third Person:

Werewolves are powerful creatures. They are two beings in the same body that share the same brain, the same heart, and the same desires. Both the wolf and the human share the same love for things like their mates, even though the wolf is more possessive and territorial than the human. The human keeps the wolf in check and vice versa. They work together to keep the werewolf safe and happy. But in times of danger and true pain, sometimes communication between the two is stripped away.

Werewolves are more powerful in their wolf forms. They are stronger, faster, bigger, and better in every way. They have the capability to do things the werewolf wouldn't be able to do in their human form. So if there is danger of any sort, the wolf side thinks it is its duty to take control and handle the situation. And in circumstances such as Yoongi and Jimin's, the human side goes in a state of shock; almost like they get locked away until the wolf deems it safe for the human to come back to the surface. The fear and anger overpower the rest of their emotions and cause them to stay in their wolf form, unable to change back to their human form. Sometimes it lasts for hours, and others it lasts for days. But with what just happened outside in the pouring rain, no one would be sure how long the two would be stuck.

Namjoon, Jin, and Hoseok had created a spot on Jimin and Yoongi's bedroom floor covered in old blankets and pillows for the two to lay on. After the three had tried repeatedly to calm Jimin down just the slightest in hopes for him to shift back only resulting in no improvement, they improvised. If Jimin was as shaken up as he was, they could only imagine the state Yoongi was in.

Jaehyun hovered over a shaking Jimin laying on his side with his soaked legs sprawled out across the blankets and pillows. Jaehyun dabbed at the omega's wound carefully with a ball of antiseptic-soaked gauze, wiping away any remaining blood and dirty surrounding in and on the scratch. Jimin's eyes were closed, his face scrunched up from the pain. Every now and then, a small whimper or whine came from the boy, the sting not the most comfortable thing in the world.

Jimin's body was starting to act up again like earlier. Every fiber in his body missed his alpha; begged and longed for him desperately. The new life in his stomach was just as desperate, wanting to have the comfort of his other father just as much as Jimin. They both wanted to feel the little pulses of warm electricity spread through Jimin's body, bringing peace and happiness to the currently distraught omega. Small and silent tears were escaping down his furry, white cheeks not because of the pain; he could handle the pain. It was because his alpha was no longer in sight, and it was killing the boy.

It didn't take long for Yoongi to find Namjoon standing guard outside the broken door of the alpha's room. The smell of his mate's anxiety was too strong to miss. The beta watched the giant black wolf stalk closer and closer with a calm expression; even though he was tempted to get on his knees and bow down at dominance and power that radiated from the alpha. Blood, mud, and rain was dripping from Yoongi's fur messily, leaving a dirty trail through the halls of the house. When he finally stood in front of Namjoon, the beta had to tilt his head up to look his friend in the eyes, the red orbs looking down at him expectantly.

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