Dark and Light Collide Pt. 2 [M]

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"'I hope you're ready, baby,' I teased, trailing my lips across his face to sink my teeth into the mark in the crook of his neck. I laved soothingly at the already healing bite before leaning forward to whisper in his ear. 'It's gonna be a long night for you.'"

3:26 AM

Third Person:

After everything Jimin had gone through while being in the captivity of the Black Night pack, he was so sure he would never want to have sex again. The was he was treated... it was embedded in his mind forever. They used him in ways no one should ever be used, and he would never be able to rid himself of those memories. The torture, the excruciating pain, the degrading words... he was scarred both physically and mentally.

But somehow being that intimate with Yoongi was different. Before, it really wasn't intimate at all. It was alphas using his body for their own pleasure, forbidding him and ensuring that he got no enjoyment out of it whatsoever. They loved hearing him scream and beg for them to stop, never once thinking about giving him anything in return. But Yoongi was his mate. There was a connection with him that was indescribable. Nothing could ever compare to the love and loyalty Yoongi showed towards the younger. If Jimin was ever uncomfortable with participating in activities such as this, he immediately stopped, the wellbeing of his mate coming first before anything; even his own life.

Currently, Jimin was in heaven. Everything felt like a dream; somehow too good to be true. Yoongi knew exactly how to please his omega, and he was good at it, too. He knew just the right places to touch and kiss to bring euphoria to his mate's body. The level of ecstasy and passion he could provide was something Jimin had never felt before. He was being cherished and treated with the utmost care; the simple idea being foreign to him. He was the Black Night "pack slut" for years; he knew nothing about pleasure, nothing about feeling safe while making love. But when he met Yoongi, that all changed.

The first night they spent together was difficult for Jimin; a few days into their honeymoon. At first he was scared out of his mind, afraid Yoongi would hurt him like the others did. He couldn't stand to think about his mate - the man he loved with every fiber of his being - taking advantage of him after they just swore themselves to a life of commitment and trust. Deep down he knew Yoongi would never do such a thing, but he couldn't help but think that way. He was brainwashed into thinking he wasn't good enough and he would never be able to please his mate. What he didn't know was that Yoongi was the complete opposite.

Yoongi didn't care about getting pleasure for himself while making love to his omega. Hearing Jimin moan his name was his only goal. He strived to make Jimin feel good in every way possible; anything less than that was unacceptable in his eyes. All Yoongi ever wanted was for Jimin to feel like he didn't have to just endure pain for the pleasure of the older. If he wanted to stop, they would stop; end of story. No argument, no huff of frustration, no yelling... he would stop.

Though when Yoongi's wolf took over while they were making love, he wasn't so sure he would be able to stop himself. Yoongi and his wolf did share the same body and the same brain; the same unconditional love for Jimin. But Yoongi was cautious and calm; caring. His wolf was rough and dominating; the alpha. Sometimes it seemed like they were two different people, but biologically they were not. They shared the same DNA and they both had the same thoughts. But how they acted on those thoughts was what was different. If Jimin was acting dominant and playfully being forceful towards the alpha, Yoongi's human side found it extremely attractive and went along with it, but his wolf saw it as disobedience. Yoongi could never promise he would be able to one hundred percent restrain himself while his wolf was in control, and no matter how many times Jimin ensured him that he didn't care if he woke up the next morning with scratches and bruises, he would always feel guilty looking at the damaged he caused his mate; his angel.

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